64: It could've been worse

348 18 4

March 5th - Prompt: Smoke and fire


Edmund frowned a little, shifting on the sofa where he had apparently fallen asleep. The first thing that crossed his mind was that whoever had woken him was going to pay, he knew he hadn't just woken himself, he could hear noises after all, and he had been enjoying his sleep, he was exhausted.

He lay there for a few more seconds, wondering if he could fall back to sleep again, it wasn't like he was properly awake yet, so maybe there was a chance.

A loud pop made him jump though, and this definitely woke him beyond falling back to sleep again.

He belatedly realised how warm it was, and how hard it was to breathe.

He coughed harshly a few times, before his eyes opened, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat.


The room was on fire.

Edmund sat bolt upright, leaving the sofa and backing away from the flames, which were, to his horror, blocking the door.

Swallowing hard Edmund looked around, and hurried over to the window, covering his mouth and nose with his arm so as not to breathe in anymore smoke.

He flung the window open as wide as he could, before looking down to the ground below, which was probably a good twenty to thirty feet down.

He'd never been so happy when a group of people ran from the castle, Peter among them, and all stared up at the burning room.

But Edmund's heart slowly broke when a look of realisation crossed Peter's face, and could clearly see him mouth the word "Ed..." before his eyes went wide. "Edmund get out!"

"I - I can't!" Edmund called down, coughing. "The fire's blocked the door!"

Edmund watched carefully as Peter turned to some fauns, clearly asking them something before turning back to look up at him. "Edmund listen to me okay?!" He called. "I need you to jump."

Edmund's eyes went wide. "Are you mad?!" He all but screamed.

"We'll catch you!" Peter told him. "I promise."

Edmund swallowed hard, turning back to the fire which seemed to be growing, making its way slowly towards the window, before turning back to Peter, slowly nodding his head.

"Okay." Peter breathed, and he and the fauns stood in a circle below. "Trust me Ed, and jump!"

Edmund hesitated, staring down and swallowing hard. No, he wasn't really scared of heights, but jumping from one, that was a whole other story.

He opened the window a bit more, and placed one leg over the ledge at the bottom, shaking as he clung to the glass like a lifeline.

He placed the other leg over, and took a deep, shaky breath, squeezing his eyes shut.

"You can do it Ed!" Peter called up to him, nothing but worry in his voice. "I promise you, you can!"

Edmund coughed harshly, inhaling smoke and cringing, before bracing himself, and after at least twenty seconds, he jumped.

It felt like he was falling forever, and he didn't like it one bit, but eventually he was caught, although one of his legs must of slipped, for his foot hit the ground and he felt his ankle snap, causing him to scream.

Peter, who was the main one to catch his brother, slowly lowered him to the ground, his breathing fast and heavy. "E - Ed?" He murmured.

Edmund's mouth snapped shut and his eyes squeezed shut, agony shooting through his ankle, and all he managed to do was point at it in reply to his brother, coughing a few times as he did.

"Breathe Ed." Peter sighed, rubbing a hand up and down his back before turning to his ankle, which lay in a position it definitely should not be in. He felt sick just looking at it, and swallowed hard. "I'm sorry." 

Edmund managed to shake his head through the pain. "Could've been worse." He choked out, shaking. 

Peter was slightly worried at how pale his brother had gone, and how heavy and raspy his breathing was, and quickly turned to one of the fauns, who just happened to be a healer. 

The faun knelt beside Edmund, checking him over before sighing. "He's breathed in a little too much smoke." He explained. "And I'm guessing you already know the ankle is broken. But your brother is right, It could've been worse."

Peter nodded a little, before noticing Edmund was swaying back and forth, clearly fighting for consciousness and quickly steadied him. "Let's get you inside and healed." He murmured, sounding so upset it broke everyone's hearts. 

Edmund nodded a little. " 'kay." He choked out, swallowing hard. 

Peter glanced around, finding Orious. "The fire?" He asked. 

"It's all under control." The Centaur told him. "Go look after your brother."

Peter smiled gently. "Thank you." He breathed, before pulling Edmund close, going to lift him up.

"Thank you." Edmund whispered suddenly, his voice shaking. "For catching me." 

Peter's eyes filled with tears. "No problem." He whispered, voice choked. "Now, let's get you some help."


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