115: Get rid of it

252 19 4

April 25th - Prompt: Spider


"If you come anywhere near me with that thing then I'll kick you."

Edmund chuckled, holding the spider gently in his hands. "It's not even that big!" He laughed.

Peter glared at him. "It's big enough." He muttered. "I can't see how you just so casually picked it up like that."

Edmund shrugged. "They don't bother me." He said.

"Yeah well, they bother me." Peter muttered. "And you know that."

Edmund grinned. "I do know that." He said with a nod. "So it makes it more fun."

"I mean it Ed." Peter warned. "If that spider comes any closer to me I'll pick you up, march you down to that beach, and dunk you in that ocean."

"I'd rather that than you kicking me." Edmund said with a shrug, talking about Peter's earlier warning.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Just get rid of it." He grumbled, turning back to his work.

Edmund stood there, and was about to take a step forward when Peter swung around. "Edmund Alexander Pevensie you take it outside right now!"

Edmunds mouth dropped open. "How did you-"

"Because I'm not stupid." Peter said with perhaps a hint of a smirk. "Take it outside, now."

Edmund playfully rolled his eyes, but turned to leave anyway, deciding not to completely freak his brother out, at least, not today anyway.


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