49: Personality type

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February 18th - Prompt: Persionality type


Peter Pevensie: ESFJ
The caregiver

Extroverted: Peter had pretty much always been extroverted, always talkative, never really shy, always up for making friends, never really nervous around people.
• Loyal: He had always, always been loyal, to his friends, to his parents, to his siblings and to his kingdom, it was just who he was and was indeed one of his best traits
• Sensitive: He sometimes hated being so sensitive and emotional, but it was just who he was. The slightest thing could upset him, and even though he tried not to let it on, sometimes it was hard to hide, especially when the thing upsetting him involved his siblings
• Selfless: If Peter was anything it was selfless, truly and utterly selfless. He would give his life to protect his siblings, his kingdom, anyone, it was a trait that annoyed everyone, but that never stopped him from protecting the ones he loved
• Responsible: Peter had always, always been responsible, being the oldest of four it kind of "came with the job" of which he joked about all the time. He had to be responsible having three younger siblings he had to take care of, but he secretly didn't mind.
• Sympathetic: Even if one of his siblings only had a scraped knee, Peter was always sympathetic, even if it was their fault they were hurt, he couldn't get rid of the feeling, no matter how much he tried, but at least his family appreciated how sympathetic he was

Susan Pevensie - ISTJ
The logistician

• Introverted: Susan had always been quiet and calm, always preferring to read or something than run around playing games. She was never extremely shy around people, but did prefer to not talk a lot, but she would if she had to.
• Honest: Susan was always, always honest. She believed it was the best thing to be, if you ever caught her lying you'd know that something was very, very wrong.
• Stubborn: Just like all her siblings really, she was very stubborn, she would stand by what she had said, she would stand by what she believed in, no matter what, her stubbornness was good and times, but of course bad at other times, as to be expected.
• Patient: She'd always been a patient person, and she was definitely the best person to ask for help if you really weren't understanding something, for she always had the patience to sit with you for as long as you needed.
• Determined: Once she set her mind to something, she did it. She wasn't ambitious though, she wouldn't go to any means necessary to get what she wanted, but she was always determined to the point of doing anything within reason. Being determined though was a good trait for Susan, and her siblings liked it.
• Reserved: She could be very reserved most of the time, tending to keep things to herself and not share a lot of things, her siblings excepted this though, and that made Susan extremely happy and relieved.

Edmund Pevensie: ISFP
The adventurer

• Introverted: For the first 6 or so years of his life anyone would think Edmund was Extroverted, but he soon grew out of this and become quite, calm, perhaps a little shy and reserved, like Susan much preffered to read instead of play games and stuff, but he liked it that way.
• Caring: One thing about Edmund, is that he's extremely caring. If one of his siblings was hurt, he would take care of them no matter what. The way he cared was definitely one of his best traits.
Artistic: It may surprise some people, but Edmund was extremely talented when it came to drawing. He could draw almost anything, but tended to hide his talent from most people, only showing people his drawings when he really felt like it.
• Independent: He was definitely independent, he'd rather do things himself, even at a young age he'd try and make himself lunch without asking for help, which was something he apparently wasn't too good at, of course he was good at knowing when he really did need help and admitting it, but most of the time he'd do things himself.
• Curious: It did shock people to find out how curious Edmund was, he was always interested in the little things, and his curiosity sometimes did get him into trouble, much to the annoyance of his siblings and parents.
• Follower: As good as he was at leading, Edmund was definitely more of a Follower, he did prefer someone else taking the lead, mainly when it was Peter, and was quite happy to sit back and leave all the really important things to the leaders.

Lucy Pevensie: INFP
The mediator

• Introverted: Now this is an odd one, because Lucy was the most Extroverted introvert you'd ever meet, and if there was an ambivert option, Lucy would definitely be that
• Generous: Lucy was extremely generous, and everyone who met her thought it was extremely sweet. She would always give people whatever they needed, and always found so much happiness in doing so.
• Passionate: She was extremely passionate about the things she loved, it was as simple as that, if Lucy was anything she was passionate.
• Unfocused: Lucy could lose interest in something so quickly, and she sometimes hated it, but she couldn't help it, she never had a very long attention span, she certainly wasn't the most focused of people.
• Thoughtful: It was something everyone loved about her, how thoughtful she was, how kind and generous she was. She was always asking you if you needed anything, if you wanted anything, and certainly was one of her best traits.
• Sensitive: Just like Peter, Lucy was extremely sensitive. She would cry at the littlest things, get upset by the smallest mishaps, She'd even cry happy tears more often than normal. But she just viewed it as having a big heart, which she could definitely live with

What's your Persionality type? I'm ISFJ :)

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