185: Peter

206 13 4

July 4th - Prompt: Gryffindor


The traits of a Gryffindor are brave, Courageous, confident, honest, strong, protective, adventurous, stubborn.

Peter is a Gryffindor.

He's brave, leading countless armies into battles and coming out victorious.

He's Courageous, he never gives up and he fights til the end, no matter what.

He's confident, he rules a kindgom with a firm hand, He's sure, steady, he knows what to say.

He's honest, he has to be, honesty is something he thinks is extremely important.

He's strong, He's been through hell and back, but He's still standing, He's still alive, he's stronger than people think he is, he hardly ever breaks.

He's protective, he will do absolutely anything to keep his loved ones safe, he'd sacrifice his life for his siblings, and this is probably one of his best qualities.

He's adventurous, always up for an adventure, and Narnia gave him what he'd always longed for, some excitement.

He's stubborn, whether he wants to admit it or not, he's very, very stubborn.

Peter is a Gryffindor, and it's the perfect Hogwarts house for him.


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