183: What do you want?

221 14 4

July 2nd - Prompt: Laugh


"You're looking tired, want me to make you a coffee or something?"

Peter paused in signing his name, raising an eyebrow as he glanced slowly up at Edmund. "What?" He murmured.

Edmund stared at him and shrugged. "You want a coffee?" He repeated.

"You're offering to make me a drink?" Peter questioned.

Edmund frowned. "Yeah." He said slowly.

Peter sat back in his chair. "What do you want?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest.

Edmund looked offended. "What makes you think I want something?" He said.

Peter let out a laugh. "You never offer to make me a drink." He told him.

"That's not true." Edmund defended.

Peter nodded. "It is." He replied. "What do you want?"

Edmund stared at him for ages before sighing in defeat. "Can I go for a ride?" He murmured.

Peter glanced out the window and laughed. "No way." He muttered.

"Why?!" Edmund said quickly.

"It's dark that's why!" Peter told him, turning back to his paperwork.

"But I'm bored." Edmund grumbled.

"So's Lucy, go do something with her." Peter said to him, shaking his head.

Edmund sighed. "You're no fun." He shot at him, before leaving the room.

Peter let out another quiet laugh, before signing his name at the bottom of a page and turning to the next pile of papers.


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