72: Just be you

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March 13th - Prompt: Royalty


Being Royalty wasn't always easy, and Peter had had an extremely long, hard day, so was currently sat outside under a large Oak tree, watching the sun slowly set.

They'd been in Narnia for around 6 months now, but Peter still wasn't used to all the work he, as the High King, had to do.

"Long day?"

He glanced up, smiling as Lucy came over and sat beside him. "Yeah." He replied.

Lucy rested her head against his arm, sighing a little. "At least its over now." She said with a small shrug.

Peter chuckled gently. "I'm glad it is." He said softly. "What have you been up to?"

Lucy frowned. "Not much to be honest." She said. "I baked some cookies with Susan though."

"What type?"

"Chocolate and cinnamon." Lucy replied with a grin.

Peter glanced down at her and smirked. "And where are they?" He asked.

Lucy giggled. "We'll have them tonight." She told him, knowing they were his favourite. "Can we have hot chocolate too?"

Peter laughed. "Course we can." He murmured. "We can have anything we want."

That was an upside to being Royalty, they could truly have pretty much anything they wanted, which Lucy especially loved.

"Cinnamon cookies and hot chocolate." Lucy said with a happy grin. "And I think there's pasta with tomato sauce and cheese for tea."

"Sounds delicious." Peter chuckled.

"Come on." Lucy said, standing. "Let's go for a walk, clear your head."

Peter smiled. "Sounds good to me." He breathed, standing and straightening his crown.

"Oh take that off and carry it." Lucy laughed, taking off her own tiara. "Now is a time to not be a King." She told him. "Just be you, Peter Pevensie from England."

Peter couldn't keep back another laugh as he removed his crown. "That does sound nice." He breathed.

"Of course it does." Lucy said, taking hold of his hand. "Come on, I wanna go check on the flowers I planted a few weeks ago."

And with that she dragged Peter through the gardens, a large grin of Peter's face that wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon.


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