Chapter 5

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Aurora had finished her morning run as she headed to her room where Jackson had been staying as he was waking up most nights from his nightmares.

Aurora saw Meredith and Derek watching the residents all in the bathroom. "Where have you been?" Derek says as he looks at his best friend.

"Out for a run and now who ever is coming with me you've got 10 minutes then I'm leaving." Aurora calls out to them as she goes to her room.
"She called it hostile?" April says to Meredith, Cristina and Rory as she had been with Derek to an O.B appointment.

"That's... Well, at least it's nothing too serious." Aurora says to Meredith as nods her head.

"I'll do some research on treatment options."April says to Meredith.

"Her uterus is friendly.It's sunshiny.untouched by scourge of man." They all say looking at April.

"Peppy ovaries, too." April says as they all laugh as Lexie walks over to them.

"Hey, the vending machine's working again.What?" Lexie says to them as they all go quiet.

"Nothing." Meredith says to her as she shakes her head.

"Is this the same nothing that has to do With where you were this morning?" Lexie says to her sister.

"I was at the dentist this morning.I have bad teeth." Meredith tells her sister.

"Oh, okay, so "teeth"are code for what?" Lexie asks her.

"I went to the o.B. Today.I have massive, baby-squishing fibroids in my uterus." Meredith tells her.

"Oh, that's terrible." Lexie says to her.

"Eh, get over it." Meredith tells her as Rory and Cristina laugh slightly.

"But you knew?" Lexie says to April as Jackson walks down the corridor.

"Knew what?" He asks as he sits down beside Rory.

"Nothing. The vending machine's working patient eats worms." They all to him.

"Dude, altman fire you yet?" Alex says to Jackson as Rory looks at the both.

"She is not gonna fire me." Jackson says to him.

"What'd you do?" Rory asks him as Jackson looks at her.

"She thinks he's a hot piece of brainless ass." Alex says to his sister.

"Oh, you're totally gonna be fired." Rory says to him as Alex nods towards his twin sister.

"The situation is under control. Thank you." Jackson says to her as he steals one of her fries.

"You got a line on any weird bone cancer treatments So I don't have to cut off my ballerina kid's leg?" Alex asks as he looks at her.

"Right, 'cause my memory is all I'm good for?" Lexie says to them.

"Beats only being good for your looks right Jacks." Aurora says as Jackson scowls at her.

"There was a story in the news recently they used a cadaver bone to replace a cancerous one." April tells him.

"You get my fries. Ooh." Alex says as he goes back to his patient.
Aurora was finishing up her patients notes as her and Derek had just finished up with the surgery as he stood beside her.

"So you and Avery sharing a room now?" Derek says as Rory shakes her head.

"Why are we even talking about this?" Aurora says to him.

"We've all noticed him sneaking into your room on a night and sneaking back out in a morning." Derek says as Aurora turns to face him as Derek smirks at her while she shakes her head laughing at him slightly.

"Me and Jackson are friends. He has nightmares about the shooting still I help him with them. Now if we are done I'll got check on our patient." Rory says to him as she goes to check on their patient after they had finished surgery.
Rory finished with her patient as she saw Meredith walking down the hallway as she caught up to her. "You know your husband is a pain in the ass he needs to stay out of my dating life." Aurora tells her as Meredith chuckles.

"He's still on at you about Jackson and to be honest he has got a point you and Avery clearly like each other. Has he said we'll see at your wedding yet because he said that the other night. He'll be saying I told you so at your wedding to Jackson." Meredith tells her as Aurora shakes her head laughing at Derek.

"Not you as well if something was to happen between me and Jackson it would of already and ain't there something going on with him and April anyway." Aurora asks her as Meredith looks at her serious.

"You really don't see it do you?" Meredith says as Aurora looks at half of the twisted sisters slightly confused.

"I don't see what?"Aurora says to Meredith as she smiles at her friend.

"Avery is clearly in love with you. Have you not seen him staring at you and your the one who helps him with his nightmares. Alex has even seen it which he's very protective of you by the way." Meredith says as she walks ahead as they meet Lexie and April.
"Hey, so reckless driver Turned out to be a psycho killer?" Meredith says as Rory stands beside her.

"Failed psycho killer, thank god." April says to them as Lexie snaps at them.

"She was heartbroken, okay?Her husband left her for a younger version of herself.She's just..." Lexie snaps at Meredith and April.

"Lexie" Meredith says as Lexie cut her off.

"No, you know what?I have been a total bitch to April all day because of you." Lexie says to Meredith as Rory watches them.

"You know that? What?I'm j-- I'm gonna go. I" April says as she turns to walk away.

"April, just... Stay.You worry about April, you let her have the room,You talk to her about your doctor's appointments.And I went crazy,Alex ditched me in a psych ward, mark slept with derek's sister,And now I find myself...Relating to thazy, jealous lady who drives into laundromats." Lexie says to them as Meredith looks at April and Rory.

"April, Rory you should go" Meredith says as they walks off.

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