Chapter 47

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"I have one last thing to say.Some of you may run into Arizona Robbins today.It's her first day back.
So if you see her, just make her feel welcome." Owen says as Callie shakes her head at him.

"Or maybe...Maybe just don't make a big deal at all.
It might be better." Callie tells them as Owen nods at her.

"Noted. Thank you.Hold on. I just want to address one more thing.Most of you are aware that a group of our doctors have filed a lawsuit against our hospital. Some of you may be wondering what this all means and how it's gonna affect our staff.
I'd like to be clear.It doesn't... At all.Let's just let the lawyers worry about that.That's their job.Our job is to continue to work together and support each other
in giving the great standard of care that we have always given.Let's not let something like this
get in the way of that.Thank you." Owen says as Rory shares a look with Meredith and Derek.

"I've got a spare few minutes." Alex says as Rory nods her head and follows him.
Rory laid on the bed as Dr Ryan was looking for the baby as Alex stood looking at the screen. "Have you told Avery yet?" Alex asks looking at his sister who was watching the door.

"Not yet I wanted to make sure i was definitely pregnant." Rory tells him not looking for the door.

"How was the honeymoon?" He asks her as she looked at him.

"It's was nice a few of days away from everything going on here." Rory says as the doctor looked at her.

"I can confirm the pregnancy congratulations." Dr Ryan says with a small smile on her face as Rory nods her head.

"How far along is she?" Alex asks as Rory looks at her.

"The baby is estimating about 5 weeks. We won't be able to hear the heartbeat for couple more weeks so I'll book you in again for 2 weeks and see if we can get a heartbeat and then you'll have appointments about every four weeks." Dr Ryan tells her as Rory nods her head understanding.
"He wants to have a Christmas wedding...In a rustic mountain lodge with red ribbons and mistletoe and a tree with ornaments made of our photos." Bailey says as Rory stood with April.

"That sounds beautiful." April says to them.

"No, it's stupid.What kind of self-respecting man cares this much about a wedding?" Bailey says as Rory and Richard look at her.

"I did. Jackson did." They both say at the same time.

"Yeah, but I did the wedding thing before.I'm gonna make all those people who showed up the first time
sit through another ceremony because, maybe I'll mean it this time?You were there with Adele.You got me a set of ramekins." Bailey says to Richard.

"And I'd be happy to get you another set." Richard says as Rory lets out a soft chuckle.

"I want to get married in a field with wildflowers everywhere and butterflies that are released when I say "I do."And I want to have these little mints
that say "mint to be."You get it?'Cause they're mints..." April says as Rory nods her head.

"There will be no mints.We're going to the courthouse,have a little cocktail party after." Bailey says to them.

"Yeah, we'll see about that.A man who puts down a deposit is a man who means business." Richard says to her.

"Well, he has till the 12th to get his money back.
That's two days.He'd need two years to get me
to agree to a wedding with Santa Claus running around." Bailey says as Rory and Richard roll their eyes as her pager goes off and she answers it.
Rory laid in one of the on call rooms with her hand on her stomach as the door opened as Meredith and Derek peaked in. "Get out." Rory groaned as she felt sick and tired.

"Don't you have a surgery?" Derek asks looking at Rory as Meredith stands beside him.

"No Derek I do not now can you both leave me in peace." Rory snaps slightly as they share a look before leaving the neurosurgeon alone.
Rory stood looking over Meredith's patients plans as she buried her head in her hands as Meredith walked over to her. "You okay Rory?" She asks as Rory looks up at her.

"Yeah just tired you know." Rory says as Meredith smiles at her.

"Jackson keeping you busy a lot." Meredith says wiggling her eyebrows as Rory smiles slightly.

"Yeah something like that." Rory tells her as Meredith looks at her.

"For someone who just got married you seem to have a lot on your mind." Meredith says as Rory looks up at her.

"I found out that I'm pregnant." Rory says to her as Meredith's smile grows.

"Are we happy about this?" She asks Rory.

"Yeah I mean of course I'm happy about it. It's just the timing and the fear of becoming like one of my parents. It was rough and I don't ever want my kid to feel unloved or like I'm not their for them." Rory says to her.

"Plans never work out the way you think they're going to,especially with babies.You try and try to get pregnant,and you can't.And then a baby comes
when you least expect it,probably because you didn't plan it.Plans don't mean anything. And you'll be a great mother your amazing with children and your a great auntie Zola. I was scared to you know, Derek he was made to be a father but me I had no idea what I was doing. I'm constantly scared I'm doing to Zola what my mom did to me but the difference is I'm there for Zola and she comes first. Your nothing like your parents because you already care about your baby enough not to let them have the life you did that's what will make you a great mom." Meredith says as Rory hugs her.

"Thank you Meredith and can't you not tell anyone only Alex knows and I want to keep it quiet for a while." Rory says as Meredith smiles at her.

"Of course and congratulations." She says smiling at her friend.
Rory finished up with her surgery as she saw Derek and Meredith watching her from the gallery as she looked up at him. "You need to get back in here. Doing these type of surgeries are your thing and I know I'm good but we need someone with a cheesy line." Rory says as Meredith laughs as Derek smiles shaking his head.

"It's a beautiful days to save lives Rory. You did amazing." Derek says to her as she smiles at him.

"Derek we need the Neuro dream team back doing the hopeless cases my work load is too boring these days boss." Rory says to him as he smiles at at her.

"The scrub cap suits you. What's it about?" He asks her as she smiles at him.

"It's about having hope and change. Things around us are constantly changing we need to change with them." Rory says as she finished up.

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