Chapter 88

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Rory and Jackson had arranged to go on a breakfast date before they started work as Alex had offered to take the twins for the morning. "Those waffles good Jackson?" Rory says smiling slightly at him.

"Mmhmm. Why?" He asks taking a sip of his coffee as Rory smiles at him.

"You make more of a mess then our kids. Come here." Rory says wiping his mouth as Jackson looks at her before he kisses her as she kisses him back.

"So how did you manage to get Alex to agree to watch the twins?" Jackson asks as he continues to eat his breakfast.

"He actually offered." Rory says as Jackson looks at her.

"Do we think he's up to something?" Jackson says as Rory smiles at him.

"You never know with Alex." Rory says as the two continued to eat their breakfast before heading to work.
"Could be just a concussion, but it's acting like a bleed." Rory says to Owen.

"I've already called CT." Owen tells her as she nods at him.

"He's gonna be okay, right?Sir, he's my best friend.He's got to make it." Schultz says looking at Owen.

"We're gonna take care of him." Owen tells him.

"I'll meet you in the OR?" Callie says to them.

"No. Stay with Rick.You've done enough." Owen says to Callie as she looks at him confused as they take the patient to get a C.T.
"How's he look?" Owen asks as Rory scrubs into the surgery.

"CT showed a multifocal hemorrhage with some edema.I'll know more once I'm in there, but he's gonna need a full craniotomy." Rory tells him as she looks at him.

"All right. Page me when you're out, okay?" He says as Rory nods at him before heading into the O.R.
"Hi. Did you get anything messengered for, um, Dr. Karev? A chart?It might have been addressed to Dr. Robbins." Arizona asks the receptionist.

"Mmm... I don't..." she tells Arizona as Rory walks round the corner.

"Looking for this?" Rory asks her.

"Yeah. Yeah.Thanks." Arizona says taking the envelopes from her.

"Is this our Nicole Herman?Dr. Herman?What's going on?" Rory asks her intrigued slightly.

"It's bad, right?" Arizona asks as Rory looks over the scans.

"It's spectacular,a big, bad mother of an astrocytoma.See how it ignores the anatomical borders?It's like a perfect butterfly." Rory says to her.

"Look, it starts in the sub-frontal and extends practically into the hypothalamus.That is a thing of beauty.Is she showing symptoms?" Rory asks her looking at Arizona.

"No. No, but she's...Wait. What kind of symptoms
would they be?" Arizona asks her.

"Oh, God. With this, it could be almost anything
from dizziness, headaches,uh, vision loss, inappropriate sexual behavior,impulse control stuff, fatigue..." Rory tells her.

"Fatigue?" Arizona asks her. "Uh...She texted me earlier to say that she needed to lie down for a while." Arizona told her.

"Arizona, who else knows about this?People know about this, right?" Rory asks her.

"Yeah, everybody who needs to know knows.But she'd prefer discretion, you know.If you could just keep it to yourself..." Arizona asks her.

"Of course. I'm a locked box." Rory tells her as she continues to look over the scans.

"Thanks. See you." Arizona says to her.
"Karev, you were looking for us?" Owen asks as he walks in the scanning room with Callie.

"Yes.Uh, Jordan's awake. He came around." Rory tells them.

"Thank God. That's great." Callie says as Owen sighs in relief.

"Wait. He is awake but unresponsive.There's no new
or recurrent hemorrhage, but it's too soon to know
how much function he'll regain or if there will be deficits. I'm sorry." Rory says to them.

"Does he have people, besides his friend?" Owen asks her.

"His parents are in Florida.They're on their way." Rory tells him as Amelia walks in.

"You paged me?" She asks looking at Rory who nods at her.

"Yeah I wanted another opinion on this." Rory tells her as they look over the scans.
Rory and Amelia stood looking over the scans as Amelia looked at her. "Don't you need to pick up the twins?" Amelia asks her.

"No Jackson got out of surgery a bit earlier so he's taking them home. You don't think I'm crazy right we could do this?" Rory asks looking at Amelia as Arizona walks in looking at both of them.

"Hey." Arizona says to them.

"There you are. Listen, I think..." Rory says to her.

"I got your page.Why are you down here?Wait. What are you doing? And why is Amelia here?" She asks looking around at the scans.

"You told me to be discreet,so I set up in here. Nobody comes down here. And I need a second opinion." Rory says to her.

"No. No. Take them down." Arizona tells them.

"Why?" Amelia asks her confused.

"Give it back. Just give it all back.If she finds me with these,she will kill me.Just... You know what?
Forget that I ever told you." Arizona says to them.

"I thought you said that everybody who needed to know knew." Rory asks her.

"Yeah, and that's her and that's me,and she doesn't know that I know all of this, okay?She cannot find out that I stole these." Arizona says to them.

"Arizona..." Rory says to her.

"I thought that she was dangerous and reckless,and it turns out that she's just dying. And she's alone and she's smart and she's funny and horny and lonely." Arizona rambles on .

"Arizona, listen..." Rory says to her.

"And she deserves to die however she wants to.And I know what to look for now, and I can watch her.
And she deserves to die with whatever dignity she can possibly..." Arizona continues.

"Arizona, shut up and listen to me!" Rory snaps at her as Arizona looks at them.I think we can remove this tumor.We think we can save her life." Rory tells her as Amelia nods in agreement.

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