Chapter 136

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Rory walks in with Tommy who ran towards Jackson. "Daddy!" The little boy exclaimed as Jackson picked him up.

"Hey little man." Jackson says smiling as he kisses his head. "Have you been behaving for mommy?" He asks as Rory chuckles.

"He's our son he's perfect." Rory says pressing her lips against Jackson's.

"Enough we get it your like what everyone wants. Hey. So, what's the fallout from last night?" Arizona says as Rory takes Tommy from Jackson.

"So far, nothing." Jackson says wrapping his arm around his wife."Why? What have you heard?" He asks looking at Arizona.

"Well, Minnick's car is here,so that means she obviously wasn't fired." Arizona informs them as Rory smiles looking at her husband.

"You know what Minnick's car looks like?" Rory questions Arizona feeling there was some
Thing more going on.

"So? That... That's not weird." Arizona defensively says looking at Rory.

"Hey, did you hear about Alex?" Maggie says joining the four of them.

"Mer told us." Jackson says as Rory pulled faces at her son causing him to giggle. They four discussed what happened between Alex and Andrew.

"Hey, what happened last night?Do we have all the attendings with us?" Maggie asks Jackson.

"Uh, well, Hunt... I'm not sure where he stands yet." Jackson says looking over at Rory and Tommy.

"Well, what about Riggs?" Arizona asks them.

"Uh, Riggs, we can ask after he's done talking to your mom." Jackson says pointing at Maggie.

"Whenever he's done doing what?" Maggie asks looking extremely confused.

"Talking to your mother." Jackson repeated.

"My what?" Maggie says not believing what she is hearing.

"Your mom, your mother, uh,the one that raised and fed you?" Rory says looking at her as if she was going crazy.

"How could Riggs be talking to my mo... My mother is in Hawaii.What is he talk... What are
you... What is he talking about?" Maggie says looking at Arizona and Rory.

"No, no, no. I met her at the coffee cart this morning.She's really nice." Arizona says to her.

"Why... Why is no one making any sense?" Maggie says to them.

"Maggie, your mom is here." Jackson said looking over at Maggie's mom.

"Mom!Maggie!" The two hugged one another as the three followed them.

"What are you doing here?What's going on? Are you okay?" Maggie says looking at her mom.

"What kind of welcome is that?Let me look at you.Where are your manners?Introduce me to your friends." Diane says looking at all the attending's.

"Yeah, Pierce... manners." Nathan says trying to piss her off.

"Arizona and I are already old friends." Diane says looking at the head of fetal.

"Oh, yes, yes.Mrs. Pierce and I go way back to the coffee cart." Arizona joked looking at Maggie.

"Not "Mrs."Diane." Diane told her.

"Diane." Arizona repeated smiling at the older lady.

"But who is that?Is he the one you like?" Diane says looking at Jackson as Rory looked slightly between the three smirking.

"Mom!" Maggie scolded her mother.

"What? Look at him." She says looking at Jackson who stood there smiling.

"Mom this is Jackson Avery and his wife Rory. That's also their son Thomas." Maggie says as Rory smiles slightly.

"I'm sorry my dear." Diane says going to apologise.

"Hey don't worry about it. I should get going I have surgery soon." Rory says taking Tommy to daycare and changing into her scrubs.
Rory handed the tablet to the nurse before she turned to April and Jackson. "She suspended Meredith?" Rory snapped looking at the pair.

"She refused to let Minnick in the O.R so Bailey suspended her." April told her as Rory scoffed.

"I guess no one is safe." Rory mumbled looking at the two.

"It's alright for you two. You both own a huge chunk of this hospital and Catherine won't let her suspend you." April says as Rory looked at her husband.

"You don't think your mother is behind this?" Rory asks confusing Jackson and April.

"You think my mother is behind this?" Jackson questions her.

"This is Catherine Avery move. Bailey is a good chief but she's also got personal connections to half of us here. She raised Alex, Meredith and I. Richard was her mentor and I don't know Bailey is fair but this isn't fair." Rory says looking at the two of them.

"She's got a point." Jackson says looking at April.

"I've got another surgery if anyone else gets suspended let me know." Rory says heading towards to the O.Rs.
Rory finished checking up on her patients as Alex approached her. She looked up at him slightly before looking back at her notes. "I think I owe you an apology." Alex says as Rory continues to ignore him.

"I was ass and what I did was stupid. I shouldn't have dropped all that on you while you were in surgery. I should have said goodbye properly." Alex says as Rory looks up at him.

"You shouldn't have been saying goodbye at all. You just walked away like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. It's always been me and you. We've always fought through everything life three our way. After my PTSD and depression you were there for me. But you walked away like none of it happened." Rory says looking at Alex.

"It's because I couldn't face you Rory. You see the good in me all the time and I couldn't do with disappointing you. That look on your face right now that's what I didn't want. And maybe I went about it all wrong but I'm here. You mean more to me than anyone and I don't know what to do when I let you down." Alex says looking at her.

"You've never let me down. You never could. Your my twin brother. Just don't leave again not like that." Rory says looking at him.

"I promise I won't." Alex says hugging her as she hugged him back.

"Your an ass you know that?" Rory looked up at him.

"I know." He chuckled before the two continued to catch up and annoy one another.
Rory finishing bathing the children since Jackson had joined Maggie and Diane for dinner. The twins were laid on Jackson's side of the bed while Tommy laid on her chest.

Rory ran her fingers through Tommys hair as all three of the kids had fallen asleep. Hearing the bedroom door opened she looked over as Jackson smiled at her. It was his tired smile which she knew meant something was wrong.

"Our beds been take over again?" He says quietly before quickly changing out of his clothes.

"We were watching a movie they all feel asleep in the first half an hour. You want me to put them in their own beds?" Rory says getting up to move before Jackson shook his head.

"No they're sleeping leave them. We bought a bed big enough for this anyway." Jackson says climbing in bedside Rory as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Are you okay?" Rory asks looking at him over her shoulder.

"Yeah I'm okay just a tough day." Jackson says pulling her close to him. "I love you." He mumbled into her ear.

"I love you too." Rory says smiling as she drifted to sleep. Jackson laid awake watching his wife and children who slept beside him. He found himself lucky of the life he had and knew he do anything to hold on to that.

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