Chapter 11

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"Are you gonna help me at all, or just sit there and eat potato chips?" Meredith says as she looks at both of her friends who were sat down.

"I performed four back-to-back fem-pop bypasses today.This is the first chair I've seen since 7 am.
And this is the first food I've had since yesterday.I choose potato chips." Cristina says to Meredith as she turns to Aurora.

"Don't look at me. Your husband has me busting my arse all day." Aurora says to Meredith as the phones rings and Meredith goes to answers it.

"You might wanna get that." Cristina says to Meredith as she glared at her making Cristina and Aurora chuckle.

"Seattle Grace Mercy West Emergency." Meredith answers as she looks at her friends.

"You brought this on yourself." Cristina says as Aurora nods her head agreeing with her fellow resident.

"You volunteered to help run the ER." Aurora continued as she stole one of Cristina's chips making her earn a glare as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Got it.We've got a suspected appy on a ten-year-old. Let's page Robbins.You know, I saw a need and I filled it,like any good chief resident candidate." Meredith says looking at them both as they roll their eyes.

"Sadomasochistic chief resident candidate, maybe." Cristina comments as Aurora laughs at the remark before turning to her friend.

"What is up with you?You're all perky and cheerful." Aurora says as Cristina nods her head agreeing with the karev as she wanted to know the answer too.

"You know, it's the fertility drugs.We have stepped it up.I'm pumped full of hormones.You know what's perky?My boobs. They're huge.Am I supposed to like big boobs?" Meredith says as she looks at her chest as Aurora and Cristina shake their heads.

"Oh, God, no.They'll make you fall over." Cristina says making Aurora laugh as she got paged by Derek.

Aurora was heading back towards the E.R as she had been paged for a head trauma as she felt an arm wrap around her waist as her hair was brushed to one of her shoulders and kisses were placed on her exposed shoulder and neck.

Aurora had a smile on her lips. "Where are you going?" Jackson mumbles into her neck as the two continued to walk slowly.

"Head trauma a man with a knife in his head." Aurora managed to say as she struggled with her breath as Jackson took her hand smirking at her.

"What a coincidence me too." Jackson says smiling at Aurora as she smiled at him as they headed toward their patient.
"Is everything all right?" Meredith says as she walks in the room.

"Yes." Stewart says to Meredith

"No." Aurora snaps at him.

"I was just showing these guys how, when I scrunch up my eyebrows,the knife moves, see?" Stewart says as the knife moves.

"Oh, my God!" Cristina says to him.

"Don't do that!" Jackson says to him.

"Stop!Stop moving the knife!" Aurora tells him as she looks at him.

"OK, OK!" Stewart says laughing slightly.

"You guys shoulda seen the brawl.Stew-ball kicked that other guy's ass!" The guys say laughing as they high five each other.

"And now Stew-ball has a knife in his head."OK, let's focus. Stewart, how much is 14 plus four?" Cristina says to him as Jackson and Aurora look over his head.

"Eighteen." He answers.

"Twenty-seven minus 13?" Cristina asks him.

"Fifteen?" He says to them.

"No. One seventy-two minus 60?" Cristina says to him.

"I have no idea,but it's not because of the knife.It's just 'cause I'm so drunk." Stewart says to her.

"No, actually,it's just 'cause he's dumb." David says to them.

"Thanks, David. Really?!" Stewart exclaims to his friend.

"Unbelievable.His mental status is completely intact,if you don't account for his math skills." Cristina says to them.

"It's like the knife did no damage at all." Aurora says to them as she looks at the head wound.

"So why don't you just pull the thing out? We've got a games to gets to!" David says excitedly.

"I'll drink to that!" Stewart says as he grabs a beer.

"No! No beer!" Aurora says to them as she takes the bottle of beer.

"Buzz kill."Stewart says as he looks at Rory.

"Uh-oh! Hey!" David says as he pulls out another one as Aurora takes it from them.

"No!How many do you have?" Aurora says to him.
"Looks like the blade landed in the maxillary sinus.
Chances are the knife itself is tamponading any major bleeding." Aurora says as she looks at the scans.

"Probably best just to go ahead and open up the cranium." Mark says as he looks at Aurora:

"Or we could just take him to the OR and pull this thing out." Jackson suggests as Mark and Aurora look at him.

"Really, Avery? Just pull it out?Let me guess. You wanna get out of here early to go to the game just like everyone else." Mark says to him.

"Or, since it looks like the blade didn't hit any major arteries or veins,he knows that a controlled extraction would be both safer and less invasive
than a complete craniotomy." Lexie says to them.

"Is that true, Avery? That why you suggest we pull it out of his head?" Mark says as he looks at Jackson.

"Yeah. And I want to get out of here early to get to the game." Jackson says as Aurora smiles slightly at him as she tries not to laugh.

"Me, too. I'm good with that. Let's just do what he said." Stewart says to them.

"All right, Stewart, you're choosing to leave against medical advice,so you're free to go, but this is my number.If you experience any of the neurological symptoms on this sheet,you call me. Somebody should stay with you tonight,and have plenty of fluids. Not beer!Not beer." Jackson says as he puts Stewart and David in a cab as Aurora stood watching him.

"Will do, doc.Thanks, doc." Stewart says to him.

"All right." Jackson says with a small smile on his face as the cab leaves.

"I can't believe he walked in with a knife in his head,
and is walking out an hour later to go to a ball game." Aurora says as Jackson wraps an arm around her waist as he faces her.

"Speaking of which, any chance you wanna go to the game, too?" Jackson says as Aurora looks at him.

"I thought you were going with your pal Alex." Aurora says to him.

"Apparently, Karev didn't want his floor seats.So you interested?" Jackson says as he looks at her hopeful

"Actually, yes. Yes, I am. And not just because of all them very attractive men." Aurora says as Jackson pulls a face.

"Attractive are they? Maybe I should go ask someone else because I want all my girls attention." Jackson says with a playful smile on his lips.

"Oh you've got all my attention Avery. Can't really get better than a hot surgeon and these scrubs on you just drive me crazy." Aurora says to him as he smiles as he leans in and kisses her as she kisses him back.

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