Meeting the boyfriend

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Hello everyone! After a very, very long hiatus, I am back in business! Finals kicked my ass, so I couldn't get my pride oneshots out in time, so I will be finishing and posting them now! For those who continue to read after constant months of no updates, i thank you immensely ❤️

Evan was panicking. But, then again, when was he not?

Connor had talked Evan into the whole "boyfriend meeting the parents ordeal" and while yes, at first he had thought it was a great idea, Evan was now realizing how big of a step was. Sure, they were at the point of saying "I love you" and spending the night at Evan's house, but he had never met Connor's parents.

So here Evan was, staring off into space in the passenger seat of Connor's Jeep as his leg bounced up and down furiously. Every 'what if' ran through his head a million miles a minute: what if Connor's parents didn't like him? What if they weren't okay with Connor bringing a boy home? What if–

"Evan?" A voice dragged Evan out of his thoughts. Connor. He looked up to see a sad smile forming on Connor's lips as they pulled into the Murphy driveway.

It was a nice house, gorgeous in fact. It was obvious just by looking at it that the Murphy family was very wealthy. Every window had a flower box underneath with the same arrangement of flowers in each one, the vibrant colors complimenting the brick house nicely.

"Hey, Ev," Connor snapped his boyfriend back to reality once again, this time placing his hand atop Evan's, "we don't have to do this if you're not up to this. I won't be upset if you don't think you are ready,"

"No... No I–I want to do this, I'm okay."

Connor could tell Evan had more to say, so he remained quiet as a heavy silence weighed down on the two. "You're... you're sure they'll be okay with this? With... me?"

"I mean my dad might give me shit for it, but what doesn't he give me shit for?" Connor chuckled, hoping the joke would ease his boyfriend's mind, which obviously failed. So, instead, he ran his thumb over Evan's hand and planted a kiss on his knuckles. "My mom, though, she'll love you, I promise."

Once Connor triple-checked that his lover was ready, the two hopped out of the car and made their way towards the front porch. Evan could see a figure peeking around from behind the curtains, assuming it to be Mrs. Murphy, as she scattered to the door to let them in.

The two boyfriends were met with the sight of Cynthia Murphy; an older, redheaded woman bundled up in a gray cardigan that seemed to be the staple item for middle-aged mothers everywhere. A blinding smile welcomed Evan as the door swung open.

"Ah, you must be Connor's friend Evan! It's nice to meet you, we've all heard so much about you, sweetheart," She greeted, engulfing the shorter boy into a hug.

"Mom!" Connor whined, trying to hide the blush of embarrassment that tinted his cheeks a bright red color. As her son became more flustered, Cynthia only laughed.

"Oh... Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Murphy,"

"Come in, come in! I'm just finishing dinner, I hope you like chicken,"

Connor's mother stepped aside to allow the two boys to walk through the doorway into the kitchen. Evan was dumbfounded by how beautiful the home was. While taking everything in, he felt his boyfriend tap lightly on his shoulder. "C'mon, Ev, let's go upstairs, we can hang in my room,"

Taking his lover's, Connor led Evan up to the second floor and down the hall to his bedroom. Band and musical posters were covering every inch of wall space, two bookshelves fully stocked with classics and new releases, and an easel surrounded by paint pallets and sketchbooks.

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