Sick days

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Connor walked into their bedroom holding a box of tissues and a mug of hot tea to find Evan wrapped in a blanket, shivering and surrounded by dirty tissues.

"Hi, baby, how you feeling?" He asked, setting the box on the nightstand beside their bed.

"Horrible," he mumbled, hardly audible from how congested he was, "I feel like I'm dying."

"I'm sorry. I made you some tea if you want." He handed the mug to Evan and watched him take a nice, long sip.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"You're welcome."

Connor sat behind him and rubbed Evan's aching muscles. He could feel him sigh in relief.

He laughed. "This is what you get for not listening and not putting warmer clothes on."

"Whatever." He mumbled, giggling halfway through.

~ Yesterday ~

Connor looked out the window to spot his lover in the process of constructing a snowman. He smiled, going to put his boots and winter layers on to join him.

He stepped outside and immediately felt clusters of snow flurries cling to his long, chestnut hair. He rubbed his gloved hands together in hopes to warm them.

"Ev? You want some help with that?" He asked as he saw his lover struggling to start a ball for the body.

"Yes please." He giggled.

He handed over the small snowball he was able to make to Connor and moved on making the head for their snowman.

He noticed that Evan had his coat unzipped and all he had underneath was a T-shirt.

"Babe, go put a warmer shirt on, I don't want you getting sick."

"I'm fine, I'm not gonna get sick." Connor sighed and went back to his work.

Both boys hunched over and rolled their pile into a large enough ball for their assigned body part.

Connor called to the smaller boy that the bottom part of the snowman was done and he rushed over to help him lift the head onto the body.

"Alright, Connor, go grab some sticks and rocks for the arms and eyes, and I'll dress it up."

Evan untied his scarf from around his neck and tied it around the snowman's neck, doing the same with his hat.

"Baby, put your scarf and hat back on, you are seriously going to get sick." He said, placing sticks in the side and putting rocks on in an arch shape for the mouth.

"Connor, I'll be fine."

"Famous last words~"

They stepped back to admire their childish work. Proud of their creation, they walked inside hand in hand, ready to sit by the fire with a warm cup of cocoa.

~ Present Time ~

"A-Achoo!" Evan groaned and leaned back into his boyfriends' arms.

"What did I say yesterday? Famous last words."

He handed his sick lover a tissue and listened to him viciously blow his nose. It sounded as if there was a goose in the room.

"Hey, goose, drink your tea. It might help." He turned around and scowled at him.

Connor liked taking care of Evan, he liked playing caretaker. Evan had done so much for him in the past, and he loved that he was able to do something for him.

Hi humans!! So, once again, did not proofread so all my hope is with Grammarly. Love you all!!

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