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Based off the prompt above
Love you humans 💖

"Con! I'm home!"

Evan dropped his bag off at the door and peered into the living room to see if his lover was there, but he was met with nothing, so he moved to the kitchen to find Connor hunched over measuring cups and mixing bowls.

Evan smiled. "What are you making?"

Connor jumped back and both watched as the cup flied out of his hand. A red tint spread across his face.

"Oh, hey, babe, you're home early." He chuckled, "So, funny story, I wanted to finish this before you got home and make it as a surprise but..." He slid over the book to reveal the page titled Double Chocolate Fudge Brownies. Evan's favorite dessert.

"Connor, you're making these? These are my favorite!"

"I know, that's why I'm trying to make them. Keyword trying. You've just been working so hard this week and I wanted to surprise you with a treat and let you know how much I love my husband."

"Aww, Connor." Connor pushed the bowl to the side and Evan enveloped him in a tight, warm hug.

"Umm, do you mind if I help? It's just that I've barely seen you this week."

Connor's smile drooped down. "But, I wanted to do this as a surprise."

"Yeah, but then we can spend more time together! I'll even let you taste test when the brownies are cool~"

"Really?" Evan nodded.

Connor placed the book between them and grabbed the flour.

"How much flour do we need, Ev?"

"Umm, one cu-" Before he could answer, a cloud of white flour was blown into his face, causing Connor to giggle.

The two measured out each ingredient carefully in hopes of doing it right, which they succeeded in.

While their treats baked, they turned on Friends and waited. The smell of delicious, rich chocolate wafted through the air, letting them know that their baked goods were fully baked.

They pulled the tin out from the oven and sniffed their creations. Connor went to pick one up, but Evan slapped his hand away.

"Nope, you'll burn your tongue, you gotta wait a few minutes." So Connor waited, asking every thirty seconds if they were cool until he was allowed to taste.

"Mm," he took a bite of the sweet chocolate dessert, "this is so fucking good, you've gotta try this." So Evan did, and he surprised at how well they came out.

"Thanks for doing this for me, baby, this was really nice of you."

"Of course, I'd do anything for my hubby....and for food."

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