Final exam stress

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Dedicated to the stress of finals exams. Also, college au

For anyone who thinks finals week is fun, they're either out of their mind, or they're Alexander Hamilton. Any student, no matter what grade, knows that final exams are a living hell, and that was exactly what Connor Murphy's life was like right now.

You see, Evan had finished his exams two days ago, meaning his mental breakdowns and all-night study sessions were over and done with, but not for Connor. The poor boy hadn't sleep in thirty-six hours and had caffeine and energy drinks flowing through his veins.

For the past three nights, Connor had locked himself in their room and studied, leaving Evan shunned to the main room until he was ready for bed, and tonight was no different.

The night before Connor's last exam was when he had his breakdown. Evan could hear what sounded like crying coming from their room, so after deciding to investigate, he walked in to find Connor sobbing with his head buried in his arms.

"Connor!" Evan cried, wrapping him in a hug, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I...I can't fucking do this!" He pounded his fists on the desk, sending his textbook onto the floor.

"You're gonna break your hand, talk to me, talk it out."

"I just-I just," he sniffed and wiped his eyes, "I can't do this, Ev, I just can't."

After feeling his heart break, Evan picked him up bridal-style and dropped him on the bed. Connor snuggled into Evan's arms and cried into his shoulder.

"What's wrong, love? I can't help you unless you tell me what's got you so upset."

"It's just I can't do anything right! I can't even study for my fucking exams without having a breakdown. I'm so stupid!"

"Well, honey," he rubbed Connor's back, "it's okay to be stressed out. I mean, you haven't slept almost two days, the only thing in your body is caffeine, and final exams are stressful. And you are not stupid. You are so smart, baby, and you can do anything right."

"I'm gonna fail."

"Connor, don't say that. You are amazing and smart, and I know you can do it. You're handsome, funny, intelligent, and absolutely incredible." 

Connor dried his eyes and took a shaky breath. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for being honest. Now, I think you're done studying for the night. Let's get you some food and get you to bed. Do you want some leftover Chinese? There's some in the fridge from last night." Connor nodded.

Even though both had their bad days, they were there to help each other through it and had long as they were there for each other, they would be okay.

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