chapter eight

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week one

I don't know how long i was sitting in that room with just Professor Romanoff but it felt like forever before the first student walked in. "Добрый день" Professor Romanoff greeted as more students filed in. [good afternoon]

"Добрый день, профессор Romanoff." They all greeted as they took their seats getting all their supplies out. [good afternoon professor romanoff]

Once all the students had entered and taken there seats Romanoff cleared her throat. "right, who's ready for introductions? i expect you all to say your name followed by three facts about yourself" Romanoff spoke as she paced at the front of the class.

All the students looked at each other but nodded nonetheless. "Coopers, ты встал" She called on one of the boys in the front row and his head shot up confused. "that means you're up" Romanoff clarified and he stood up holding a crumpled piece of paper.

"ah um привет, я Тим, я играю в футбол, я играю на гитаре, и um мне нравится водить квадроцикл" Tim Coopers stuttered slightly but ended up speaking quite well. Professor Romanoff clapped causing the rest of the students to clap as well. [hi im Tim, i play football, i play guitar and i like four wheel driving]

"great job Tim" Romanoff praised before moving onto the next student. She was picking people at random so i could have been up at any time. I was super nervous and kinda regretting one of my facts.

Sarah had convinced me to say one because the other students most likely won't understand and it'll be just Romanoff so it's pretty bold. My heart we beating faster the more students went, one by one getting closer to having to stand up myself.

"Y/n" Romanoff said suddenly and my eyes shot up meeting hers. She had a wide smile as she nodded for me to stand up. I did grabbing my piece of paper running through the words one last time in my head.

"привет я y/и, я пристрастился к кофе, я иногда играю в футбол и я очень гей" I spoke with as much confidence as i could. I looked up staring at Romanoff as i spoke seeing a smirk forming on her face. [hi im y/n, im addicted to coffee, i play soccer sometimes and im extremely gay]

"very good Y/n, seems we have a couple things in common" Romanoff nodded as everyone turned their attention back to her and i sat back down blushing. "alright-" I stopped listening as Romanoff chose another student to talk.

What did she mean a couple things in common, i mean i only said three things does that mean? No there's no way, i mean she has been low key flirting with me all week. Plus now that whole, crossing my legs, short skirt fiasco. I'm not going to make assumptions but she doesn't look like the type to play soccer is all i'm saying.

After everyone had introduced themselves Romanoff began the lecture. "alright, well done everyone i can tell some of you just used google translate and not the textbook, so we'll have to work on that. for know though turn to page 32" Romanoff spoke as everyone opened their textbooks.

After an hour and a half of going through the Russian alphabet, simple word compounds as well as some more complex word compounds Romanoff had given us a small break. She had handed out a couple worksheets for us to work through for the rest of the lecture as well as for homework.

I had stopped to take a little break from staring at Russian letters and words. I looked around the room seeing everyone either working on the worksheets or having there own breaks.

I looked to the front of the room seeing Romanoff at her desk, she had taken her blazer off so you could see more of the bodysuit. Her skin looked so soft, what i wouldn't give to touch it. She was breathing steady, my eyes dropped to her chest watching as it rose and fell with each breath.

God she's so hot, suddenly she stood up and began walking around the room. I quickly made it look like i was doing something as she came closer to my desk. I took a glance to the side seeing her look down at me as she passed by my desk.

I saw something fall onto my desk quickly looking down to see a piece of paper folded. I furrowed my eyebrows looking up to see Romanoff staring back at me as she got back to her desk.

When she sat back down she kept her eyes on me as she manspread in her chair smirking as she crossed her arms causing her breasts to push up more.

I quickly looked away and back down to the piece of paper in my hand. I carefully opened it seeing familiar hand writing on it, it was Professor Romanoff's. The note read : stay after class милашка :).

I flipped through my textbook trying to figure out what that word was until i saw it, милашка : cutie. I blushed like crazy after finding out what it meant, i hung my head low so no one saw my red cheeks.

The rest of the lesson went by pretty fast, i was just reading ahead in the chapter and taking glances at Romanoff every now and then. When the bell rang i slowly packed up my stuff waiting until the other students had left.

I slowly stood up leaning against the back of my desk watching as Romanoff said goodbye to the last student before closing the door. "so.." I awkwardly spoke as she walked back over to her desk.

"well done with your introduction, you may have been one of the only ones to actually use the textbook and not google translate" Romanoff complimented and i nodded looking down at my feet.

i'm literally using google translate hehe 🤗

"are your facts true?" She added stepping closer as i looked up meeting her gaze. God her eyes are so pretty i could get lost in them if i wasn't careful.

"uh y-yeah, they are all true" I spoke shyly and she hummed crossing her arms as she stood in front of me.

"so are you going to join the soccer team when try outs start?" She raised an eyebrow and i shrugged not really knowing.

"i've thought about it, it'll depend on how my classes are going. i don't want to have too much on my plate, you know" I explained as she nodded, her eyes dropping to look up and down my body.

"was what you said true? us having facts in common?" I asked as Romanoff met my gaze again.

"did you want it to be true?" Romanoff quipped sceptically.

"well i mean coffee is pretty amazing" I joked causing Romanoff to throw her head back slightly as she laughed.

"right right, that it is" She smirked down at me as she turned to walk back to her desk. I watched as her hips swayed in the sexiest way before she turned to face me again. "yes it's true, but i've never played soccer" She winked and my breath hitch as i bit my lip looking down.

"oh and if you plan on coming early to thursdays lecture, you're more than welcome to sit in here with me and wait. i'm always here early" I nodded at her offer giving her a sweet smile which she returned.

"thank you Professor Romanoff" I picked up my bag and began walking over to the door. "плохо увидимся в понедельник" I spoke clearly and her smile widend. [i'll see you on monday]

"увидимся в понедельник, милашка" Romanoff replied and i blushed remembering the pet name from earlier, bowing my head as i walked out. [see you on monday, cutie]

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