chapter sixty nine

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so i watched her, and omg, scarlett's voice, immaculate 🧎‍♀️i highly recommend.
i honesty could have made this a 69 chapter but i didn't, sorry. it's sort of just a filler


week six

~ friday night ~

I had just gotten back to my dorm after my one lecture today. I honestly can't get Natasha out of my head, what she said yesterday.

The part about me being hers, definitely ignited something in me. I was just so caught up in everything else she's said to me i flipped and went off at her.

I do feel bad for what i said, but it was sort of the truth. She has been pretty rude to me lately even though she was the one that ended things. Also giving me so many mixed signals, like she wants me one day but doesn't the next.

Anyways, the week is over finally and i'm so keen for this weekend. We're having a trail match tomorrow, basically it'll be A team against B team. Just a bit of friendly competition but i'm super keen, i love it when we get to actually play a game.

"how are you feeling? still confused about Natasha?" Sarah asked as she watched me do my night time routine.

"hmm yeah, i don't know i still like her and i want to be with her. she's just giving me so many mixed signals, i can't tell what she wants" Sarah hummed as i plopped down on my bed.

"wanna watch movies all night?" I chuckled nodding immediately jumping back up to join her on her bed.

"i can't be up too late though i've got soccer tomorrow" Sarah just hummed as she grabbed her laptop opening up Netflix.

~ saturday morning ~

I was up early to get a nutritious breakfast and squeeze a quick gym session in before practice. I was one of the first people out on the field, i didn't have to warm up though as i was already warm from my gym session.

"are you ready for our match?" One of the girls from B team asked me. She was on the ground stretching her legs.

"oh absolutely, we're going to totally wipe the floor with you" I chuckled causing her to playfully roll her eyes.

"morning ladies, how we all feeling this fine saturday?" Coach Matthews greeted us. All the girls replied standing up waiting for her to give us an order.

"let's start out with a few laps, let's say 10. then we'll get into passing drills, ending the practice with the game between A team and B team" Everyone cheered clearly just as excited as i was for the match.

About half way through the passing drills none other than Natasha showed up. She was in a dark grey matching gym set. The sports bra had no padding as i could see her nipples poking through. The leggings had the scrunch up the butt accentuating the curve even more.

I know she saw me looking at her, i also know she wore that just to tease me. "alright guys gather up" Coach Matthews called out as we all ran over to her and Natasha.

"we've got a special guest here for our match today" Natasha shook her head immediately.

"oh please, i'm not that special. but i am excited to watch each and every one of you play" Natasha spoke as she looked around before meeting my gaze.

I groaned turning away, why is she here? what is she trying to prove. "right ladies, A team you'll be red and B team you'll be yellow. go and get your cover vests"

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