Yandere Andros x Reader x Yandere! Ashley

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( This is a request from 1mjustak1d)

" Hey Ashley? Do you think this will work? What if they reject us?" " Don't worry Andros I'm sure they'll understand." Ashley said to Andros as both of them started to walk towards your house while discussing on how to confess to you since they both have a crush on you.

Both rangers are already dating each other, but when they saw you it feels like you're the missing piece. They discuss how you can be in a polygamous relationship with them and want to be with you. A few hours passed as they made it to your house as Ashley knock on the door and you let them in.

You three had a movie night as you we're in the middle of the two will Ashley laying her head on your and Andros leaning in you side you didn't mind since you're focused on the movie. Once the movie was over, you got up to stretch your joints till Andros said something " Hey Y/N can we talk to you?"

" Um sure what is it?" You asked confused about the two " Listen we been wanting to ask you something important and no we're not breaking up." Ashley replied as you softly sighs in relief that it's not a breakup. " You see Y/N...we had a crush on you for awhile now and we wounded if you want to join us in our relationship please we love." The yellow ranger said softly as you were shocked that she even said that, but you don't want to.

You back away from them at a moment while shaking your head " Look I appreciate you two, but I'm sorry I don't want to... please forgive me, but I don't accept your confession." " B-But...we...you " you tried to break it down to them as both their hearts we're broken mostly Ashley as she was about to cry that you can't accept them.

You tried to head to the door and asked them to leave, but Andros slams the door back while grabbed your wrist and started to grip it tight " Y/N please don't don't do this to us." " Andros let me go- ack!" You felt his grip getting tighter nearly breaking your wrist. This wasn't supposed to happen at all as you tried to kick him off only a grunt let out.

" Andros stop... let them go. Y/N please stay with us. We can treat you better please don't leave us." Ashley softly said while wiping her tears as you don't want to do this, but your wrist started to hurt as you sigh in defeat "... Alright fine...I accept your confession." You blurted out only for Ashley to smile happily and hugged you as Andros let's go of your wrist and kiss it softly as an 'apology'

This is going to be a long day. At least it can't get worst right?....

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