Yandere Adam Park Headcannons

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- He met you at Erin's as he spotted you talking to Rocky and Kat of yours. He felt something as the two introduce you to him and greet each other.

- He was blessed when he first met you as he was getting flustered being next to you, but he wants your attention to him and wants to protect you till he starts being more... protective.

- 58% Overprotective

- He stalks you without you knowing making sure you're safe and sound. Also making sure nobody gets near you.

- He will drag someone in hell if they bother you and won't be sorry about it. He put someone in flames.

- He's mostly patient so probably wait for 4-6 months for him to get you and kidnapped you.

- He will never hurt you he hates it, but sometimes use force to put you in your place or make it like a accident. Like he pushed you, but apologize quickly for doing that making him feel bad.

- " Y/N please stay with me and stay away from those low life of a friends I got. Their not important just useless and in the way."

- If you tried to fight back he felt hurt as he felt like you betrayed him.

- Don't try to run away from him because he will find you. He has his ways.

- He be out there catching bodies for Y/N since he loves them. Probably the last person to be least expect to be a yandere.

- He gives you gifts and takes you to dates to your favorite places. He's face turned red when both of you hold hands together, but it fell good for him.

- Pretty sly and knows his way of how to get you without harming others, but sometimes do so just in case.

- You called him frog boy once, he got annoyed from that, but let's it slide because of you. The other laugh at the nickname you gave him making him embarrassed.

- Loves it when you wear his hoodie he thinks you're adorable in it.

- Sometimes teach you about martial arts and soccer while showing you tips.

- Shy boi want to be with you, but afraid to confess since he's worried about messing up.

- One time you was walking around minding your business not knowing a random was following you. Adam grabbed them by the throat and strangle them making them suffcate and die.

- He can blackmail others, but he thinks it's boring,the only does that if he doesn't feel like killing someone.

- Will protect you.

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