Yandere!Jayden vs. Yandere! Gia x Reader

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( This is a request from 1mjustak1d)

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( This is a request from 1mjustak1d)

You recently moved into Harwood Country as you were nervous on your first day here worried about what's going to happen. You bumped into Emma as she showed you around the place while introducing you to her friends which they greeted you, but a certain yellow ranger has taken a interest into you, but the fact is not only she was interested into you you met a certain red ranger at Erine's Brain freeze and he seems to be interested in you.

Days passed, as you stated to get used to the city aside from the monster attacks it seems like you can get used to the place. For now your helping Ernie serving drinks to customers as you were working part time for today to get some extra money. It was just another busy normal day as nothing seems to be odd you sighed serving the last customer while going on break and you notice Gia coming in " Hey Y/N" the girl said while you give her a wave " Hey Gia what's up?" " Nothing just came here to see you. On your break or something?" She asked as you nod being glad of that.

You decide to sneak into some ice cream on the house as you give one her while thanking you" So I can tell your having fun around here. Must but glad about that. Hey maybe we can go somewhere to hangout?" She ask " Hmm...sure we can hangout sometime where should we go?" You asked as Gia was about to say something until a familiar voice calling out your name " Y/N." " Oh hey Jayden." You said while going over to the male and give him a small hug making him blush a bit, but return the small hug only for Gia the glare at him as she gets up and pulls you away from him " Oh your back here again? It seems like you two know each other." She said bitterly.

" Oh yeah I met Jayden at Ernie's as we talked to each other I enjoyed our conversation." You said making Gia more furious as Jayden smirked. " It's true and I enjoy Y/N's company here and I want to stop by to see how their doing." Jayden said as Gia pulled you closer to her leaving you confused " Well it's nice to seeing you, but as you can see Y/N is busy having a conversation so you can leave." The yellow ranger said as the red ranger scoff and grabbed your arm pulling you closer to him " Well I'm just checking on a close friend of mine, so they don't need you" " Excuse me?" Both of them started arguing with each other over you while pulling your arms.

" Enough both of you! And let go of me!" You yelled at the two as the stopped and let go off you. " Look you two need to get along instead of arguing! Look I need to go" you answered while leaving the place leaving the two glaring at each other " This is all your fault if you haven't shown up I could get my chances with Y/N" Gia said while Jayden rolled his eyes " Well if you weren't so close to them I could be a better partner for them unlike you." " You are dead to me Shiba" " Try it Morgan" the two bitterly rage in anger at one another before leaving.


You was walking into the woods by your enjoying the peace and quite while clearing your mind until you hear something yelling in a distance so you decide to follow it which leads you to a open area and you saw Gia and Jayden arguing with each other " Look I told you Y/N is mine so stay out of this!" " Not a chance Gia. I will be the one that Y/N picks." He said as Gia punch him and he grunted and kicked her and the two fought each other. " Guys stop!" You yelled out, but they didn't listen since their busy fighting one another.

" Guys stop please don't-" " Stay Out Of This And Pick One Of Us!" The two said making you shut up and flinch in fear as the two go at it until they broke away. " Okay then if we're going to fight let's ranger up who ever wins get the keep Y/N" " Deal" the two morph into their ranger forms and started fighting each other again, but it was more brutal. You wounder how you got into this mess.

( Jayden wins)

Gia dash towards him and swing her sword at him as he quickly dodged and block her punch and kicks. He did a quick U-turn as he landed a swing on her and drop kick her to the ground as he grabbed his fire sword and did a final move on Gia making her demorph on the ground " Now to finish the." He said grabbing his sword and stabber her killing the girl. You went eye wide seeing him killed Gia " J-Jayden how could you!" You said in a panic as he went over to you and grabbed your arm " Let's go and forget this happened. Talk about it or your going to be like her let's go now." He said as you were in tears and follow him.

( Gia wins)

Jayden tried to slash her as Gia blocked the attack including his moves as she did a couple of punch and kicked as he did a special move on him making him demorph as she grabbed him by the neck " And now." She implied him with her sword as he falls on the ground dead. " G-Gia you just killed him!" You yelled as the yellow ranger goes to you and grabbed your wrist " Go now. He's nothing but a bother now move or your going to be like him." She ordered and lead you away from the scene as you were in tears.

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