Yandere! Samurai vs. Yandere! Megaforce x Reader

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( This is a request from 1mjustak1d)

This was unexpected day for you because you're trying to hangout with your group of friends the Megaforce rangers until the Samurai rangers came in trying to see if they could hangout with, but Megaforce said no as the two teams became to argued with each other.

See you used to live in Panorama city and met the samurai rangers since they saved you from a monster, but you moved to Hardwood Country and met the Megaforce rangers which you didn't know until later on finding their identity and kept it a secret. They find out, but glad you didn't tell nobody as they slowly trusted you and get to spend time with you, but they slowly have a bit of a crush on you, but didn't admit it.

You were walking around with the ground have a chat while laugh at one another " Hey Y/N is that you?" A male voice rang out making you turned around seeing Jayden and the others as you smile happily " Guys!" You yelled happily running up to the group and hugged them. The Megaforce rangers were shocked that you know them, but felt a little bit of jealousy seeing you hugging them and give them more attention. " I'm so glad to see you guys again I miss you!" " We miss you two Y/N" Mia said to you as the others agreed while asking how you been and stuff.

" So y/n it looks like you already met them before." Troy said trying not to sound bitter in his wording as you nod telling them you been friends with them for a long time and since you moved making them a little bit annoyed making the samurai rangers smile. " So what are doing out here?" Mike said breaking the silence " Oh nothing much we were just hangout out chilling." " Oh I see mind if we join you?" " Of course y-" Noah interrupt the conversation " Um I'm sorry there's no room for you guys and you must be very busy we don't want to bother you." He said.

" Um actually your not bothering us we were just passing by till we saw Y/N and want to catch up with with them now if you don't mind we're taking Y/N" Mike said grabbing you trying to pull the closer to them, but Jake also grabbed your arm " No Y/N is with us right now you just gotta wait I mean we're better than you so." He was just being cocky as him and Mike glared at each other still holding on to both of your arms. " Um... guys?"you tried to respond to them, but doesn't seem like their listening.

" And that's where your wrong." said Emily getting annoying with them " Not saying this is a competition, but if we're comparing the two teams and who Y/N should be with the samurai team is the best." Kevin said reasoning with them. " Ha well I'm sure Y/N is better with us better than you plus your not any better." Emma said as Mia glared at the girl " And your any better your self nature girl?" She taunts as Emma growled at her. Both teams started to argue with each other.

" Everyone stop!" You yelled making them look at you as you get out of their grip " Y/N we're -" " No I don't want to hear a word from any of you seriously what is wrong with you guys!? All I wanted is to hangout so all of us will get along, but apparently it's not happening! You know what forget get it both someone else." Y/N yelled at them and stopped off somewhere leaving the team frown from making you leave, but glare at one another for making you leave as they tried to make you not leaving them.

" Didn't I just tell you to go away?" Y/N please forgive us we didn't mean to make you upset." " Well you did leave." You hissed slapping your hand away from Mia's leaving her a bit studded as Troy try to grab you and pin you to the wall " Y/N look we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable we just don't want you to be with them." He said making struggling as you kicked him and ran off somewhere leaving the group.


You were at home trying to lay down since you didn't want to deal with them anymore until you hear a knock on the door and open it reviling the Samurai rangers as you were about to slam the door on them, but Jayden blocked it " Y/N we need to talk to you. Just hear us out before you yell at us again." He answered making you sigh letting them in to explain what's going on with them and why they act like that as they apologize to you and really mean it which you refuse to accept, but they promised to act better and take you out as you sigh and accept if they can prove to act better.

They agreed as the take you out for some ice cream as they enjoyed being with you and might be a crush on you or not, but being with you makes them calm. You were about to get Ice cream until some swords pointed at the samurai rangers necks. " Don't move or we'll cut you." Troy said making the samurai not fliched, but smirk at them" Don't you think this game is getting pathetic to you?" Jayden said making the red ranger grip his sword wanted to kill him so bad along with the others.

" Whoa guys stop what are you doing are you mad!?" You said " Y/N stay out of this we're dealing with them at the moment unless they stay away from you we'll be even." Gia said while Emily sighs " You know lying doesn't look good on you right?" " shut it samurai". " Okay how about this if we win we get to keep Y/N. And if you win you get Y/N deal?" Troy makes a deal with Jayden as he nods" Deal."

Both teams goes to a open area as they morph into their ranger forms getting ready to fight them. " We'll put you in our place" the Megaforce rangers said. " Come at us bitch." The samurai rangers said as both of them clash with each other fighting off one another as you stood there watching them woundering what just happened and what wrong with them.

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