Yandere! Kamador x Reader

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( Yup another request Rvlrex)

Kamador was a ruthless monster and always wanted his hands on the jewels and defeated the rangers while taking over, but what really caught his attention is....you.

When he saw you he was about to destroy you, but he can't do it as he felt something and doesn't know what it is as this was a new feeling for him not knowing what to do. He did grabbed you at one point, but the rangers saved you which makes him mad, but he made them pay.

He killed them

And what's worse is that he kidnapped you and trapped you in the lair so you won't escape. You almost achieved on escaping, but unfortunately he caught you and beat you down badly, but didn't care of you hurt until you learn to love him which you refuse many times.

It wasn't your day was it?

( I know that the other three are short, but I just decided to make it short a simple.)

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