Yandere!Red Timeforce ranger x Reader x Yandere! Quantum Ranger

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( This is a request from CyberLeona34 )

This supposed to be a normal day for you today, but it was unlucky since you were almost kidnapped by a mutant, but luckily the rangers saved you in time before you were a goner for good. It was a close call, but there were two certain rangers that have a certain eye on you.

You we're walking down the street trying to make it to the library for a research that you're doing until you bump into Wes who was talking to Eric. You met them before, but never really talked to them that often since the three of you are busy. " Sorry about that." You apologize to him only for a chuckle to let out.

" It's fine don't worry about it Y/N." Wes said as Eric looked away growling a bit at his friend mumbling something. He was kinda jealous that your paying more attention to Wes than him, but he tried not to show it that much. " Um...hey Y/N" he mumbled which made you giggled a bit and greeted Eric making him smile a bit and Wes glared at him. You three talk for awhile until you have to go and left.

" Don't get my way Wes" " I could say the same to you Eric" the two bickered for a bit watching you leave before they decide to stalk you.

You grab your books a left in silence, but for some reason you felt like someone is watching you as it sent a shiver down your spine and walked a bit faster getting a bit paranoid. It was nobody, but you as you start the run in the house and locked the door.


You sighed relief thinking that your safe and started to get ready for your report till you hear a knocked on the door and open it reviling a package. You don't recall buying anything or something maybe it was just a package from a friend or relative and grabbed the package.

You start to shake the package trying to figure out what's inside while thinking about what it is and open the package reveling a colorful box which was strange. Open the box and a jack in the box came out scaring you, but giggled since it was a funny prank.

There was a note attacked the neck and read it " Huh? It says ' Glad you like the gift and now you'll pass out'. Pass out I don't understand?" You thought as the jack in the box spay some sleeping gas as you fell on the floor sleeping.

The door open reviling Wes and Eric as he picked you up.

" Y/N is very native when it comes to strange things"

" I agree guess both of us got them and will never leave us."

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