Yandere Wes Collins headcannons

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- He met you through his school as he never technically talked to you in person before.

- He started to notice you as he did try talking to you dispite being nervous.

- He sees something special about you and wanted to be with you forever.

- 50% overprotective it depends on the situation as he knows you can defend yourself, but he might have to step in to make sure nothing happens.

- For him being a yandere he's kinda lovesick for you and will do anything to get you even if he bodies someone.

- He won't actually kill them more like making their lives miserable or beat them down for them to get the message if not then the person is screwed.

- He gives you gifts like for example if there's a necklace you like boom he gives it to you then next day. He worships you.

- Something when he's in patrol you leave him some small notes which makes him smile.

- He will stalk you, but it's rare since he doesn't want to scare you and respect your space he just wants to protect you from any harm.

- He can control his yandere side since he tried to avoid killing someone, but there will be times where it breaks out and goes overboard and won't be sorry.

- If he does kidnap you he'll keep you in a nice room while wearing comfortable clothes for you to wear.

- " Y/N can't you see I wanted to protect you from the world it's dangerous for you. I'm trying to protect you please don't leave me."

- Hurt you? Please hurting you is the last thing he wants to do he's not that type of person since he doesn't want to touch you without your permission.

- But if you tried to fight back or run away he'll snap and won't be very nice and will use force to get you not caring if you're hurt he will drag you. Hey at least he apologize and help your injures.

- Don't call for help because he will have the Time squad track you down even his team and Eric even if he threatened them.

- One time you were studying for something, but you didn't get any sleep and frustrated as Wes gives you some tea and a blanket asking you to rest as he picked you up and set you down in your bed to relax.

- You wore his work hat and jacket which made him smiling thinking it's cute.

- He's the voice of reason if he wants to approach things calmly, but if it doesn't work he's going to be a jerk.

- His team tease him about having a crush on you making you snicker at them blushing as Wes was embarrassed and had to move them away.

- Likes to take you out on dates especially picnic ones.He

- He sees you as the best person in the world for his view.

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