Yandere Zen-Aku x Reader

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( This is another request from CyberLeona34)

Now Zen-Aku was know to be evil and destroy the rangers and eliminate anything that gets in his way especially the rangers. He also torture and destroy the city seeing the weaklings suffer, but when he saw you he felt different and it makes him sick.

He doesn't know what it is, but he was originally planning on killing you since he doesn't like you and wants you dead for some reason since you two don't know each other, but he couldn't do it. He wants you alive since there's something about you that interest him and he wants you. The only thing that was on the way was those rangers and their zords which he hates.

Zen-Aku couldn't stand them anymore as he did kidnap you while battling the rangers as you hid watching the fight hoping they save you and get away from that creep but little did you know....

He killed them in cold blood

He was a monster as he killed them like he was on a rampage as the Blue and Black rangers were the first one to go down hearing the screams and demorph drop on the ground dead, then white and yellow step in, but they ended up like the two. Now, for the Red Ranger he almost succeeded, but Zen-Aku killed him as he mauled the bodies alive.

You stood there in fear seeing the corpses as you felt sick seeing this and tried to run away, but he caught you as you trying to fight him back wasn't a good idea at all as he knocked you unconscious and takes you to his den.

Days passed

The town was destroyed the villians finally won... the rangers are dead and Master Org took over. For you it was terrible as you were stuck in Zen-Aku's den for a long time as you have a few cuts and scrapes from him as he wants to admit your his not matter how many times you refuse you have nobody left to help you this wasn't even the worst part trust me it gets crazy, but for now your stuck in a cage while Zen watch you with a glare.

" You might as well give up while you still can. I have you now Y/N nobody can't save you."

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