Yandere! Timeforce and Wildforce x Reader

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( This is another request from CyberLeona34 they want a rainbow line up in a way like the last request from them.)

You are part of the Timeforce rangers as you head to Turtle Cover to relax where you met the Wild force rangers and noticed that their dealing with a dangerous villian and decided to help them out and suprise you saw the Timeforce team which left you suprise, but so glad to see them again the more help the better right. Seems like a normal reason to deal with this situation here, but little did you know...both teams have taken a interest in you.

Right now, you halving a walk around the park until you collecting your thoughts while busy trying to fix a device of some sort. Thinking about how the others are doing but then again it's been a long time since you saw your team after the final battle and went separate ways. It was true that you missed them woundering if you'll bump into them sooner or later. It was pretty difficult, but managed to remember to keep contact in them since you rarely have the time. You heard a scream in a distance as you ran to where it came from as it looked like a monster and was ready to step in untill the Wildforce rangers started to show up and attack the monster.

There was something different about the monster you know it's your first time here, but it doesn't look like the monster of this place wouldn't fit this scenery. The Wildforce rangers were still fighting the monster until the monster blast them making them hit the ground and you rush in morphing into your ranger form and started to fight the monster since you wanted to help them out. " Who's that?" " I don't know? It looks like a ranger, but they look different?" " Can we trust them?" " I'm not sure, but their fighting the monster we got the help them out." The Wildforce crew said wondering who you are, but for now their focus on battling the monster until the monster disappeared and the team demorph.

" Alright who are you? Where did you come from" The one on yellow said as you turned around seeing them while demorph yourself " Look I just help you out. I'm a different ranger like you. I'm Y/N Timeforce ranger." You introduce yourself as you told them that you just came here to relax as they explained that their dealing with a dangerous monster and it looked different from the others ones they seen. You asked if you can help them as they we're a bit unsure about letting you help them as they should reject you, but they saw how you handled the monster and decided to let you help them while introducing themselves to you.

" Hey is everything alright?" You heard some familiar voices as you saw Wes and Eric coming through as they we're shocked to see you. " Y/N?" " Wes! Eric!" You said exactly as you ran over to the two and hugged them since it's been awhile since you last saw them and you missed them so much as Both of them are suprise to see you again as Wes hugged you back as Eric wasn't much of a hugger he just gave you a small head pat. The Wildforce rangers saw this as they don't want to admit their a little bit jealous of them as you explain to the two what happened as they agreed to help.

Later on, the rest of the Timeforce rangers came in to help out with the situation and was glad to see you again making sure that your okay and how you been since you last saw them making you glee with joy. The teams discuss a plan on how to stop the monster as it was already dark and decided to take a rest up till tomorrow. This gives you time to have a chat with them which they enjoyed talking to you, but they glared at the other team without you noticing. Both teams was jealous that your spending time with one another while threatened each other to stay away from you mostly Taylor and Eric bickering. This could be a fight, but they didn't want to make a scene right in front of you so they call it a night and went to bed.

The next day.

The teams including you went over to the spot where the monster is as they morph into their ranger forms and started to battle the monster. Once the monster was defeated every was going to celebrate having a picnic together even invited Princess Shayla, Ransik and Nardia. Everyone was having a good time with one another as you were talking to Trip as you giggled at him saying something funny as he smile, but sort of blush since he likes to see you smile. You notice that the drinks are out and you decide to get some more until you bump into someone.

" Oh sorry." " Nah I'm okay." The person said helping you up. " Thanks for helping me up." " No problem couldn't let someone cute like you take a fall." C-Cute!?" You said a bit embarrassed as the person chuckled that it was cute. " Hey I was wondering if I could get your number because I would-" the person couldn't finish their sentence as they look scared about something and back away from you. " Um? Are you okay?" You asked them unaware that the Timeforce and Wildforce rangers are behind you seeing this as they we're glaring at the person trying to flirt with you.

They had a deadly aura as their eyes changed color not liking this at all Jen, Eric and Taylor was ready to body the person trying to stop themselves from doing so. They're holding their blasters ready to target him as the person shakes in fear and ran away " I'm sorry!". You were confused and turned around seeing the two teams acting normal " That was strange?" " Don't worry about it let's just enjoy the picnic." Alyssa replied as you went back with the others wondering what just happened, but forget about it.

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