Yandere Types (Bonus ft my Ocs)

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(Yeah as the title says my Ocs are going to be a Yandere as well since they need a time to shine for fun,so here we go.)



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(And male)

Alex will love you forever as she/he will be happy to spend time with you and protect from any harm

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Alex will love you forever as she/he will be happy to spend time with you and protect from any harm. She/He will slaughter anyone that gets in their way and will be using force to beat them down violently. At least she/he sometimes dance with you for fun.


She's caring and nice towards you as she loves small dates with you and being around you is enough for her

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She's caring and nice towards you as she loves small dates with you and being around you is enough for her. She will stalk and kidnap you since she's obsessed with you and wants to keep you. Can terminate someone that gets in the way of her relationship.


She's mostly quite, but another reason is that she's shy to express her feelings for you since she's scared of being rejected

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She's mostly quite, but another reason is that she's shy to express her feelings for you since she's scared of being rejected. She takes pictures of you and sometimes draw pictures for you as she gets jealous if you're near others. Will eliminate someone for you because she loves you.


This guy will get your attention and sometimes flirts with you, but he cares about you and might be a bit flustered

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This guy will get your attention and sometimes flirts with you, but he cares about you and might be a bit flustered. He gets a little bit clingy and overprotective when it comes to you as he'll stike at anyone for you might explain what the corpse was.


He tried his best to express his feelings for you, but at the same time quite nervous as you understand what he's trying to do

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He tried his best to express his feelings for you, but at the same time quite nervous as you understand what he's trying to do. He sometimes let you listen to music together while humming some tunes. He's mostly calm as he has no reason to attack anyone unless he has to for your he can kill or blackmail them.

( It's finally done. What do you think about it?)

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