Yandere Leo Corbett headcannons

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( Another request from CyberLeona34)

- Leo met you at the base since your a warrior. He doesn't seem to mind you he's kinda glad.

- He doesn't know what, but whenever he sees you he felt something in his gut like...he has feelings for you.

- He was pretty smitten with you as he acts normal on the outside, but the inside he's a lovesick yandere.

- 66 % overprotective as he doesn't want to admit it, but he sometimes grabbed your hand and walked away from others.

- He can massacre someone alive for you as he's deadly when doing that. He took out someone's eye out and stomp on it while making the lion zord mauled them.

- he gives you small gifts just to see you smile.

- Watches you like a lion watch his pray and you don't know that.

- You called him Lion or Leo Lion or Lion boy as a nickname making him blush as the others laugh at the nickname you gave him. He doesn't mind it since he only let's you call him that.

- You pet him as he was confused on why your doing that until he doesn't mind and accidentally purrs making you snicker at him.

- Sort of patience as he'll wait for 4-5 months. At least it's fair right?

- He scares others away like he glare at them as a red aura is around him ready to strike, but restraint himself. He also growls at them. Even to his brother and team.

- He gives you a cham bracelet as a gift to remind you of him even the animals that represent the zords.

- He's mostly chilled since he doesn't really have a problem with nobody as long as they don't bother you.

- Hurt you? No, but will throw things at you and yell at you, but quickly apologized.

- If you escape he thinks it's funny that you tried to escape from him...bad move he won't hesitate to use force to get you.

- " You know if you tried to escape? I will mostly like be very disappointed, but you don't want to see me upset now do you? No, I don't think so."

- Feels guilty about doing this, but at the same time the other part of him saying he's doing fine keep going.

- Teach you some comeback skills

- He cares just sort of embarrassed or the fact that he's brother tease him

- He really loves being with you and look at the space together.

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