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    Mao Mao felt that his ears were about to burn, and subconsciously retorted: "It's not!" The

    little mermaid said aggrieved: "Did you lie to me? Awu has dated other girls before."

    "That didn't lie to you, I It means... I haven't fallen in love yet, where did the first love come from!" Today's cats are still hard-mouthed cats.

    The little mermaid looked down and saw her fiance's red ears hidden in her snow-white hair, and snickered, "I see, I already like Awu anyway, it doesn't matter if Awu likes me slowly." The

    atmosphere fell silent, both of them both not talking.

    Not an awkward silence, but a very comfortable silence.

    "I want to sleep." Xiaoyu closed his eyes halfway.

    Wutiaowu's face immediately enlarged in front of his eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab Xiaoyu's eyelashes: "You can't sleep."

    "Yes, I have a surprise for Awu." Lixiang opened her eyes.

    "What surprise? Do you want to give me a gift?" the cat muttered happily.

    "It's not convenient to talk about this gift right now, but I'll see it later." The little mermaid patted her chest and assured.

    As a result, when it was bedtime, I still didn't see the gift.

    "Why hasn't the tail turned into a leg?" The little mermaid thought in distress. Could it be that he ate too little Caiji?

    Fortunately, the cat didn't pay too much attention to the gift that the little mermaid said, pulled up the quilt and held the little fish sideways in his arms before going to sleep.

    Lixiang slept soundly in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, she began to feel sick, feeling uncomfortable in her stomach and heart.

    "What's wrong?" Gojo Satoru keenly sensed that her state was not right, and opened his blue eyes and asked.

    "It's okay, maybe I didn't have a good dinner tonight." Li Xiang didn't want to disturb her husband's rest, so she deliberately didn't tell the truth.

    Her throat was a little itchy, and Li Xiang covered her mouth and coughed a few times.

    "Hey—!" Cat Mao sat up, his blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark.

    The palm that was covering her mouth just now became wet*hot, Lixiang looked at the palm, it was stained with blood, and her head was dizzy: "Huh? I seem to have a stomach bleed."

    The doctor who was still asleep was woken up and came to call His Yuki's footsteps were hurried.

    "Now is not the time to be entangled in such trivial matters, hurry up! Miss Lixiang is in danger of her life!" Doctor Yukimi was still dawdling about to change out of his pajamas, and immediately grabbed his back collar, ignoring Opposition to drag people away.

    "Hey, wait—!" He appeared in Gojo Satoru's bedroom in a comical pose.

    The white sheets were stained with a lot of red blood, and if you didn't look carefully, you thought it was the red polka dot effect specially made by the manufacturer.

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