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    After eating the bread in the car, Xia Youjie started the engine to leave the Mermaid Village.

    Who would have expected an accident on the way.

    Not long after leaving the Mermaid Village, a man came straight to the car, and his decisive action seemed to be trying to compare his head with the front of the car.

    Fortunately, the black-skinned cat reacted quickly, and made a sharp turn to avoid the people who were running over, but the car also fell into the grass beside the road.

    Xia Youjie immediately checked the little mermaid on the co-pilot. Fortunately, she was not injured. She just patted her chest in shock, "Scared me to death, I thought I would hit a tree trunk.

    " If he succeeded, he rammed into the big tree by the road instead.

    The first time I smashed myself into the stars, the second time I was just making preparations when Xia Youjie stopped him.

    Pinggu Chun turned his head and looked at the tall boy with Danfeng eyes. He smiled and said, "This gentleman, why is it so hard to think about it?"

    "I-I don't want to live anymore." Ping Guchun lowered his head, his eyes blank , feeling depressed, "Nothing, nothing left."

    "Nothing left?" Xia Youjie asked.

    It was probably too long that there was no place to express the pain in his heart. Facing Xia Youjie's casual question, Ping Guchun's words poured out like opening a floodgate.

    Pinggu Chun was originally an ordinary villager in Mermaid Village. Ordinarily grow up and run a small business ordinary.

    In such an ordinary life, the only unusual thing is to marry a beautiful wife and give birth to a healthy son.

    I thought I would maintain this ordinary but happy life like this until I die, but something happened.

    His son disappeared unexpectedly while playing at the beach. He thought of a lot of ways to follow up, and even mobilized the villagers in the whole village to search together, but there was no news. The disappearance of his son caused a great blow to his wife, who was in a state of trance for a long time afterwards, often wandering by the sea, and once almost drowned in water.

    Pinggu Chun was very worried about his wife's health, and took time and effort to take care of her body. 

    The two cherish this hard-won fetus very much, especially the wife, who seems to have transferred their love for their son to the fetus in the womb. However, just a few days ago, the wife was forcibly taken away. Pinggu's life is also covered with a haze that cannot be dispelled. 

    "I was forcibly taken away? Do you know who did it?" Xia Youjie didn't interrupt Ping Guchun's narration, and asked after he finished speaking.

     Pinggu Chun: "It's the leader of the Mermaid Cult."

     Today is the second time I've heard this leader from someone else. Xia Youjie, who originally thought that the Mermaid Cult was just a special church, couldn't help but take it seriously, "Why did they take yours away? Wife?"

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