Chap 40 / Japeth - They know

60 3 27

PROMPT: Gavaldon finding out Japeth is gay

TW: slurs!!!, blood, bullying

Japeth: 16
Aric: 17
Sophie: 15
Filip: 19

Japeth was about to go back home, when Lesso stopped him from leaving.

"Japeth! Wait a moment!" She smiled and Japeth put his hand away from their doorknob.


"I wanted to ask you something," She started. First, Japeth didn't panic, he just waited until his overthinking started and he lost it.

Did she know? Is she gonna ask him about Aric? Oh, maybe it won't be that bad.. but what if.. it WILL be that bad?! Will she tell him not to come anymore? Should he leave Aric alone..?

"Aric and you are really close, so.. me as his mother wanted to ask if you want to come to brunch? On Saturday?" Lesso asked, Japeth carefully exhaled.

"Yeah, sure."

"I know Aric could've asked but somehow he always forgets." She chuckled and shook her head.


"And since you're my son's boyfriend- Best friend, I really like you to come." She smiled, Japeth noticed the word though.

His eyes widened.

"What- oh.. Uhm.. yeah! Yes, of course!" He tripped over his words and looked around panicking.

"Great, well, see you on Saturday!" She said and turned away but Japeth noticed the smile on her lips. It was giving her away.

She did it on purpose.. She knows..

Japeth opened the door and finally left, he was burning. His face was all red and he was sweating as if he ran miles.

It was getting late and he knew that he was almost gone when he walked through the village. Mostly everyone was already inside, except for some drunk men..

Japeth tried to ignore them and pulled his jacket closer around him. He knew many neighbors and villagers didn't like him. They liked Rhian and Evelyn but not Japeth. Japeth was different. He didn't want to go to church. And everyone knew.

"Hey, faggot!" Someone yelled and four men walked around Japeth. Their drinks in their hands.

"Fag, fag, fag." They sang and one pushed Japeth, he ignored it and caught himself before falling. He looked straight ahead and said nothing.

"Faggot.. Fagggg! Hey, answer me!" One of those men grabbed his arms, held them and smashed his foot against the inside of Japeth's knee.

He yelped and fell on his knees.

"Faggot." Again.

The man in front of the redhead grabbed his chin and pulled his face up.

"Why don't you answer? Did they cut off your tongue? The witches?" He laughed and punched Japeth in his face.

"Your boyfriend did answer, he hit back. Just like the fag he is." The man in front of him said and smirked.

"Aric is not a faggot." Japeth spitted out and got hit again.

"He can talk! Oh wow!" They laughed, then Japeth got pulled up on his feet again.

The men started hitting him in the face, his stomach and waist. Japeth was already spitting blood because he bit on his tongue, he tasted the metallic taste in his mouth and groaned in pain. They pushed him back on the dirty ground and kicked Japeth in the stomach, and even though the boy tried to protect his ribs, they still got there and he was coughing blood.

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