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Author: Ola.....

Childe: Kid, can't you just continue your work as an author and write this book.

Author:............You want to replace me in college?

Y/N: Childe shut up. Author, what are you doing here?

Author: It's Beidou birthday isn't? I'm giving her a gift. I'm not sure your preference, but I made you necklace with seashells.

Beidou: Awww, thanks kiddo. That's very nice of you.

Author: Also, today's is Faith Beams birthday, so he'll be with us today.

Diluc: Uhm, who?


Faith: W...what the....

Author: Faith-kun, happy birthday.

Faith: Hmm? Well if it isn't our lovely commander.

Author: It's a chocolate from Unshell store that you like.

Faith: Commander do know me well, thank you~.

Author: Also, this lady over here has the same birthday as you.

Beidou: Sup, I'm Beidou, Captain of The Crux. A pleasure to meet ya.

Faith: A pleasure, call me Faith. But fan girl usually call me ' Faith-sama'.

Author: Let's be real, that nickname is cringe.

Y/N: I-Yeah.......so uhm, what is your career?

Faith: I'm a DJ at a club, a hero, and a model. What else you need to know?

Y/N: Hmm...for someone young, you have quite the face huh?

Faith: *smirk, place a gentle kiss on his temple* It's an honor to receive such praise from someone beautiful as you are.

Y/N: *blush a lil* Uh-oh....

Itto: Hey! Stay 5 foot away from our human.

Faith: *yawn* So noisy.....

Author: Faith-kun, would you like to go somewhere with Beidou?

Faith: Sure, lead the way.

Beidou: N/N, come on!

Y/N: Alright!

Childe: HEY!

Kaeya: At this point, we've been ignore.

Kaeya: At this point, we've been ignore

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I want to recreate this book I swear to God.

• 𝚆𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛 • Genshin Impact Where stories live. Discover now