Chapter 32

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Daena had watched the clock the whole way through her afternoon classes. A few times her students even had to get her attention as her mind was clearly elsewhere.

She apologised profusely for this and told them it wouldn't happen again only to do it again almost immediately. Her students had found it hilarious and asked her what she was daydreaming about. She had brushed them off as she couldn't tell them.

When the clock finally reached 5pm and she had finished her after school additional tutoring she watched as her students painfully slowly packed to leave. In fact she didn't think she had ever moved so slowly, they were usually out the door as fast as they could manage, but today they hung around chatting. Daena knew it wasn't the case but she couldn't help but feel like they were doing it to hold her up.

When they had all eventually left and her classroom was empty she had basically ran out of the door. Only to run straight into her boss, the principal. He had immediately started up conversation asking how her time here was going and if she was happy. Daena had tried to answer as politely as she could whilst also attempting to end the conversation.

After 5 minutes her boss had realised he was holding her up and sent her on her way. Daena had looked at her watch to see it was 5.20pm and continued quickly on her way home.

It was 5.55 when Daena reached her front door.

Daena was frustrated as she wanted to get changed and spruce herself up a bit before Jeonghan arrived but now she wouldn't have a chance. She was hot and windswept from her rush home.

Daena opened her front door and rushed to the bathroom. Quickly running a brush through her hair and touching up her makeup.

When she felt presentable she looked at her watch to see if she had time to change. It was now 6.03pm. Jeonghan seemed to be running late.

Daena checked her phone to see if she had any messages. But there was nothing. She grabbed a change of clothes from her closet and quickly put them on.

As soon as she had turned to look in the mirror to check her appearance someone knocked on her door.

Daena hurried to the door and looked through the small peephole. She had become more cautious since the incident with Hajoon and now checking who was at her door before opening it had become a new habit.

Sure enough on the other side was Jeonghan. Daena turned and leaned against the door clasping both hands to her chest. She took a deep breath. She was nervous. Her hands were shaking. Exhaling she turned around and opened the door.

Daena watched as a small smile appeared on Jeonghan's face. She continued to watch as he looked her over slowly and silently.

"Hi" he said.

Daena stepped aside so he could enter the apartment.

"Hi" she managed to squeak back.

Daena closed the door begind him and turned to find Jeonghan removing his shoes.

"I like this colour on you" he said.

Daena looked down at the pale pink blouse she had put on.

"T..thanks" she stuttered.

Jeonghan chuckled and placed his shoes down on the shoe rack before stepping towards Daena.

When he was right in front of her he stopped and looked down at her.

He brushed a strand of hair from Daena's cheek.

She shivered and blushed.

Jeonghan chuckled again. "Am I making you nervous?" He asked.

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