Chapter 65

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Daena laid on her bed staring at the ceiling of her room unable to sleep.

She let out a deep sigh. In the weeks that had passed since the loss of her father she had felt less and less like herself. It felt like she had lost her way. Her father had been a reassuring constant in her life. The person she went to for advice and now she didn't know what to do without him.

The pain she felt lessened slightly each day. It was still there but just not as difficult to withstand as it had been to begin with.

Joshua had headed back to Korea 2 weeks ago, he had only been able to stay for a few days but his presence had been a welcome distraction.

She had agreed with her mother to stay for a few weeks more than she had originally planned but that time would be up next week and she was still yet to book a flight back to Korea.

She sat up slowly before getting to her feet, she walked out into the hall and saw her mother's bedroom door was open.

She walked down the stairs but couldn't see her mother in the kitchen or living room.

"Mom" She called out.

Daena had gotten used to speaking English again since she had been home. It had been weird to begin with but felt natural again now.

Her call was met with silence.

She looked out one of the rear facing windows into the darkness and when her eyes adjusted she realised her mother was sitting on the small bench that was at the end of their backyard.

She watched her mother silently. After a moment she realised her mother was crying.

She opened to door and rushed out to her mother.

"Mom?" She asked quietly crouching down in front of her.

Her mother didn't respond or even seem to acknowledge her.

"Mom?" Daena asked again taking her mother's hands in her own.

This drew out a response and her mother looked down at her.

"Daena? Why are you out here?" She asked.

"Are you okay Mom?" Daena asked, it was late at night and she was concerned her mother was out here alone.

"Yes, I just couldn't sleep" her mom responded.

"Lets get you back to bed" Daena said helping her mother of the bench.

"Thank you sweetheart, you've been such a help, I'm glad you extended your trip, it had been nice to have you here" Her mom said patting Daena lightly on the arm.

"It's okay. I wanted to be here" Daena responded with a shrug guiding her mother up the stairs.

"You must miss your friends though, and work. Have you booked your flight?" Her mother asked.

"About that. Mom I think I should stay a bit longer, I don't want you to be alone" Daena said quietly.

"Nonsense, I'll be fine, you have to go back" her mother said, her tone seeming slightly aggressive.

"I'll think about it" Daena replied.

Her mom shook her head at her and freed herself from Daena's grasp.

"You should return. I know you have missed the beginning of Joshua's tour, his mother told me. Don't miss out on anymore because of me" her mother said before closing her bedroom door in Daena's face.

Daena stood there for a moment shocked before walking back to her own room.

She paced back and forth for a while thinking over her mother's words in her head. She really wasn't sure she could leave.

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