Chapter 71

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Daena walked through the front door of her parents home and sighed happily. She was always grateful to be back after a day at her new office job. It wasn't what she wanted to be doing and she didn't enjoy it but she knew it would pay the bills until she could find something more permanent.

Her conversation with Joshua had distracted her all day, to the point where she had been reprimanded by her boss for not paying attention when he was giving her instructions.

Thinking about it all day hadn't helped her make a decision though.

"I'm home" She called to her mother.

"I'm just making dinner sweetheart. It will be ready in about half an hour" her mother called back from the kitchen.

"Okay I'm going to get changed" Daena called as she walked up the stairs.

When she reached her room she quickly changed out of her work clothes into something more comfortable.

She sat on her bed and thought about what Joshua had said again.

A large part of her really did want to go. She wanted to see her friends and more than that she wanted to finally have the opportunity to see them do what they do best.

But the prospect of seeing Jeonghan felt like a knife to the heart. She wasn't sure she could face it. She knew she had broken his heart and hers in the process. She missed him.

If someone had asked her if she regretted her decision she wasn't sure she knew how to answer. It was more a case of she wished the circumstances that had led them to this place had never happened.

She was glad she had come home, being there for her mother through everything had brought them closer than ever and to see her mom happy again made it feel almost worth it. Daena knew in time she could get her life back on track.

She still wasn't sure what to do about the concert so she picked up her phone and dialled Leah's number.

Leah answered almost immediately.

"Happy Birthday!" Leah yelled down the phone

"Thanks, Hey I'm sorry to call like this. You don't have a class right?" Daena asked.

"I don't, I'm free to talk, what's up? You sound weird" Leah questioned, detecting something off in her friends tone.

Daena sighed deeply. "I don't know what to do, I need your advice"

"Okay, hit me with it" Leah said.

"So Joshua called and he's got me a ticket to go their show in 2 weeks. I don't know whether I should go. I'm not sure I can" Daena explained.

"Because of Jeonghan?" Leah asked. She had a habit of always getting straight to the point, it was one of the reasons Daena valued her so highly as a friend.

"Mmm... exactly" Daena muttered in response.

"Okay... but do you want to go? Aside from the Jeonghan of it all" Leah asked.

"Yes. I think so. But I don't think I can do it. Seeing him is just maybe too much" Daena sighed.

"I get that. But maybe you two could talk. End things on a friendly note" Leah suggested.

"I don't think that will work. He's stubborn. I'm not sure he's going to be willing to forgive me and just be friends" Daena groaned in reply.

"But neither of you have had any closure. You haven't actually seen each other since he put you on that plane, that was nearly 3 months ago. Not to mention you haven't spoken since the day you ended things. I think you need to talk, face to face" Leah explained.

Daena nodded to herself. She could see the sense in what Leah was saying. But it didn't change the anxiety she felt. "I'm not sure he's going to want to talk though" she responded.

"You dont know until you try and regardless I think you should go to say goodbye to your friends and Joshua. If you are planning on staying permanently I mean" Leah replied.

Daena went to interject but Leah continued.

"Before you moan I know you plan to stay. Which just makes my point. You don't know when you are going to see them again Daena. It probably won't be soon. You should go, you didn't get to say goodbye last time, don't miss the opportunity this time" Leah reasoned.

Daena took a deep breath. "I know you are right but I'm still not sure"

Leah was silent for a moment before she spoke again. "What if I came with you?"

Daena blinked in shock. "What? How?" She asked.

"I'll get the time off. If you want me to be there with you I'll make it happen" Leah replied confidently.

Daena thought for a moment. Having Leah there for emotion support really would help and it would be nice to see her friend.

"Could you?" Daena asked.

"Can you get me a ticket?" Leah asked, answering Daena's question with one of her own.

"I'm sure Joshua can pull some strings. It's only 2 weeks away though. Are you sure you can sort everything in such a short space of time?" Daena replied.

"Leave it to me. I'll be there. You just get me that ticket" Leah said.

"Okay deal. I'll see you soon then" Daena replied with a smile, suddenly excited by the prospect of seeing her friend.

"Yes you will" Leah replied before ending the call.

Daena wasted no time and sent a quick message to Joshua.

'Can you get me another ticket?'

His reply was almost instant.

'Of course, does that mean you are coming?'

Daena replied.

'If you get me a second ticket I'll be there'

'Done! I'll see you in 2 weeks'

Daena smiled to herself. She was excited about the idea now. She just needed to put her worry about Jeonghan out of her mind and look forwards to enjoying some time with her friends.

"Daena. Dinner" her mother called from downstairs.

"Coming" She yelled as she headed downstairs.

She grinned as she walked. She was suddenly feeling better than she had in weeks.

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