Chapter 70

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Daena slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Bye mom, See you after work" She called.

"Wait" her mom yelled from the kitchen.

She heard her mom's hurried footsteps headed towards her.

She looked up to see her mom carrying a small envelope.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart" her mom said with a smile.

Daena blinked at the envelope. It couldn't be her birthday already, how had time gone so quickly?

"Did you forget your own birthday darling?" Her mother asked.

Daena looked at her. She had forgotten her birthday. That meant it had been 3 months since her father had passed, but it felt like only yesterday. The reminder brought tears to her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Her mother asked with concern.

Daena blinked the tears away. "Yeah. I'm fine. I should go I'll be late. Can I open that later?" She asked gesturing at the gift, not really feeling in the mood to open it now.

"Of course. It's not from me anyway. We shall do gifts at dinner. I'll see you after work" her mother said, leaning forwards and kissing her on the forehead.

Daena flinched as the action reminded her of Jeonghan.

She pulled away quickly. "Bye mom" She said as she hurried out the door.

She reached up to put her headphones on so she could listen to music on the walk to work.

As she placed the headphones over her ears her bracelet got tangled in her hair.

"Come on" She moaned as she struggled to free herself.

When she was finally free she looked at the bracelet and saw that the angel wing charm that hung from it now had fine hairs wrapped around it.

She frowned at the bracelet as she removed them. Although it was a constant reminder of Jeonghan she didn't want to take it off.

She started walking again and pulled her phone out of her bag and pressed shuffle on her playlist.

Immediately she was met with the sound of familiar voices as Pretty U began to play.

She pulled her headphones off and stuffed them back in her bag.

"What is happening?" She muttered outloud to herself.

First the bracelet and now this. Its like the universe was trying to remind her of her life back in Korea.

Now she had given up on the music she walked silently for a moment before her peace was disturbed by the sound of her phone ringing from her bag.

She pulled it out to see Joshua was calling. She almost laughed.

Daena double checked the time and realised if it was almost time for her to start work then it must be the middle of the night back in Korea. Joshua usually rang her in the evenings after work.

She answered quickly thinking it must be important.

"Hello" She said into the phone.

"Hey, sorry I know its early. Is now a good time to talk?" Joshua asked.

"Yeah. I'm just on my way to work but I can talk until I arrive" Daena said, happy to hear her friend's voice.

"Oh. How is the job?" Joshua asked.

"It's okay. Keeps me busy" Daena replied with a shrug.

"Do you like it?" Joshua pressed.

"Honestly, no. But I need the money so it will do for now" Daena replied.

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