Chapter 72

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December 31st. Last day of the year.

And you wanna know another important thing happening today?

Carson was getting discharged.

Yeah, I know. We spent Christmas in the hospital, that was my gift from Santa.

I rounded a corner before entering the familar hallway. And there was Austin and Carson getting out of the ward. Austin held the duffel bag.

Carson looked up from his phone and a smile made way to his lips. He had a black face cap on, only in a black shirt and Jean.

I smiled and he threw his hands open for a hug. I stopped in front of him and he pulled me closer to himself.

I took in his familiar scent. "Easy Char, I just got out of the hospital" he said. "Shut up, Asshole" I mumbled.

We pulled away and he laid a kiss on my head, I was taken aback by his actions. "Why did you do that?" I asked amusingly. "I figured you like forehead kisses"

Oh shit, he knew about all the forehead kisses I've given him since he laid on that bed.

"Let's go" he straight out his hand to me, I glanced at him first to be sure it was Carson. "Would you both come already!" Austin yelled from the other side of the hall.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand and we began walking away.

Few minutes later

We were already on the road, Austin was driving and talked about how much he hated Christmas. Seriously, they are grinches.

We pulled over at the house and Carson looked out of the window. "He's back" he referred to his Dad.

"Yeah, Louisiana there you go" Austin replied, getting out of the car and we followed. I knew what was up. After the incident...the doctors complained about hard drugs in his system.

So...i had to tell everything, the whole truth this time.

"You coming?" Austin asked, heading towards the building. "Yeah" he nodded before turning to me.

"I wanna tell you something" I said, eyes down, he rose a brow at me. "I...I told Emma...everything"

I glanced up at him, his expression hadn't changed.

"It wasn't a secret, Charlotte" I shot him a confused look. "I didn't say you should tell no one, you chose not to"

"No! You said-"

"I said I didn't care on what you did with the information you had" I paused and thought about it and he was right. "You asshole!" I shoved him lightly and he chuckled.

He looked back at the building and then at me. "I'm hungry, let's go out for lunch" he pulled me back to the car.

"You just got out of the hospital and you wanna eat some public food?" I asked.

"It's my first time being out in weeks. Give me a break, Charlotte" he said, walking to the drivers door, he got it open.

"Now, you wanna steal Austin's car?" I asked. "It's not called stealing, it's called taking without asking" he replied, leaning on the dash board.

The car began beeping loudly. "Get in, Charlotte" he called out and I got in. "Dude! Not my car!" There was Austin running out the house to us.

Carson drove out before he could get to us.


We pulled up in front of a restaurant called 'the diner'. We both got out, he straight out his hand to me again and I smiled, taking it.

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