Chapter 92

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"Hey You guys"

I moved my phone from my face to see Emma, we all went back doing what we were doing after that, which was going back on our phones.

This morning we all dressed up and I really have no idea why, I had my legs on Carson's, he was keeping them warm.

"I was called to book a hair appointment" she reminded.

Yeah, that's why we were dressed up.

"Right on time, Can this be fixed?" Austin asked, referring to his hair. "Honestly, I'm busy and I'm definitely not here for you guys" she replied.

"I'm ready to go" Chloe said, walking in. "Where have you been Chloe?" Jayson asked. "You guys shouldn't even begin" Emma warned.

"She made us green!" Austin reminded once again. "Well deserved " Chloe asserted.

"You see that there? She's a brat" he confirmed. "You guys thought her all she knows"

"And you are the mother?" Carson asked. "Is she now off the hook?" Calvin asked.

"I was never on the hook" Chloe hinted. "She's bald!"

"So!" The boys yelled back and I knew another argument was on the way. I gently got up and grabbed my phone. "I'll be in the car " I told Emma.

I turned to the side and got my eyes open, I paused when I found the space beside me empty.

The little lamp beside shone a dim light but it was still dark outside, I sat up and paused when I saw Carson on the edge of the bed, his hands over his face.

I glanced at the clock, it was past 2 am, why was he up. "Carson?" I called out but he didn't reply.

I laid my hands on his shoulder but he didn't budge, I got off the bed and sat beside him. He was still silent, face in his hand.

Everything was okay when we went to sleep, what could be up now aside us?

"Carson, are you okay?" I peered and he stayed silent for a while before sucking in a breath and sitting up.

He still wasn't saying anything and I couldn't see his face through the little light supplied from the lamp.

"It's not fair, is it?" He broke the silence, I knew that question wasn't directed to me but I tried coming up with a reply.

"It's not" he shook his head.

"What are you talking -"

"It's just not right" I had gotten confused now, what's he-

"It can't be shoved under the carpet, it can't be forgotten. I fucked up" I was slowly realizing what he was talking about. "It's all my fault "

"Carson, you can't -"

"I know what you are about to say" he turned to me and shook his head, "you don't know what I've done, Charlotte "

The silence after that was killing, I shook my head and moved closer. "It's in the past"

"The past? It was despicable. I'm a horrible person, Charlotte" I felt the regret dripping from his tone. "Stop" I whispered

"All those...who couldn't get out. Marie died, she killed herself because I..." He trailed off as he stared at me, a year rolled down my eyes.

"I don't deserve you, it's not fair " he looked back down. I moved away, the tears streaming from my eyes. "I deserve to pay"

"Yes" I answered and he raked his hair. "Yes, you deserve to pay but you aren't. The others didn't get this chance but you did. Be greatful, Carson"

I wiped my eyes and reached for his hand, entwining mine with his. He looked up at me. "There was a reason you got another chance, don't you wanna know it?"

"I'm sorry for what I put you through"

I nodded, more tears streaming from my eyes. I pulled him in, his hand pulling me closer, mine crossed over his neck.


I got out the elevator, I was just in a top and leather pants, I had no plans of going out today. I raked my hair as I walked into the kitchen.

Jayden began barking once I walked in, Carson looked up and a bright smile made way to his lips. I was really relieved to see that smile after what went down this morning.

I returned it and walked to him, he tapped his lap for me to sit, I shot him a mischievous look before straddling on him.  I reached to ruffle Jaden's fur but it began growling at me.

"I think... it's jealous" I said in between laughs and he smiled. He turned to me, still with that amused smile on his lips, I moved his hair from his face.

"You okay now?"

He sighed. "Yeah, I am"

I smiled broadly and gently fiddled with the pendant  of the necklace on his neck. He looked down at it before getting it out, the pendant was the letter 'C'.

He placed it over my neck and hooked it at the back, I glanced down at it. "not a ring though but... we'll you be my anonymous future wife?" He asked.

It took a moment for me to understand what he meant, I looked up at him. My jaw dropping, he chuckled at my reaction.

He asked me out right? That was him asking me out or is my head playing tricks on me. He did ask me out!

I jumped off and began screaming, that reaction took him aback. Bianca walked in. "I got the ring!" She got the memo immediately and began squealing too.

Harley walked in. "It's official!" We informed her and that's how we became a trio of screaming girls.

Austin groaned and walked back out once he saw the drama. Well, I would have done all that if I've had breakfast and if the girls were here.

But neither of them were ticked.

"Really?" I whispered. "It's always been you" he replied and I fell into his arms immediately.

"You know you haven't still answered the question?" He murmured and I chuckled and looked up at him. "Does this answer it?"

Before he could reply, I took his lips in mine. My eyes shot close as the kiss deepened, his hands going round my waist and mine over his neck.

We pulled back for a microsecond and went back in, I chuckled, my hands raking his hair. "It doesn't, it still doesn't answer it" he pulled out breathlessly.

I smiled and rubbed his lips lightly. "Yes"

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