Chapter 56: Iskra

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This is a chapter that could be considered fillar by many, but it is as important as the rest of the story in this series thingy or whatever.


Iskra was home early, tired after another day in a normal Sofia school. Of course she wasn't happy, the only reason she came back early is cause she was let go due to urgent report as she found a note in her locker written by Vlad.

[ "I'm sorry I cannot take this anymore, I will be leaving this family as it got nothing to offer, nothing to help me in my goals." ]

Which would sound absurd and out of character for her brother, but she knew he always wanted to meet one certain family which kinda leads for her mind and thinking that it would make sense that he would do that in her opinion. She was back home and both of her parents were in the living room with Martin (younger brother of Vlad & Iskra) she went to the room and...

Iskra: Mom, Dad we got a problem!

Mom (Nikolova): Huh, what is it?

Iskra: It's about Vlad, please read this.

Iskra hands over the note to her mother and she reads it, then she slips it to find more text which is even worse since that text describes where he is going.

Couple years later, around chapter 20's events. UltraX than proceeds to sneakly cover on the wall and take a peak to see... Vladislav, Iskra & a man with a woman.

??? (Man): I see why you took him like that instead of asking now...

Iskra: Again sorry papa, he was quite annoying to drag nicely all the way to here...

Vlad looked annoyed as he still was tied up with tape on his mouth and Ultra was trying to hold his laughter as if he knew this day would come.

Iskra: I could've used my portals, but problem was cause I wasted too much energy on my other manifestation to keep my dear brother close and so he does not escape.

Iskra had her hand on Vlad's shoulder.

??? (Woman): Still, what would Devora think about this if she saw you with him like that?

Iskra just looked at the woman.

Iskra: Oh well, she won't bother... After all she is dating that Rennes guy, doubt she will even care at all about her brother being here for reunion. It is just that she called me only once this year, even though you can say she cares, i do not believe it.

Iskra sighs. The woman & man as Ultra listened though their conversation, he thinks that the woman & the man are the parents of Iskra.

??? (Woman): But dear, you know your sister wouldn't just ignore this.

Iskra: She wouldn't? Then explain why she hasn't respond to your phone calls, 2 years have passed since she last responded to them, she could be carried away or maybe getting married.

??? (Man): Relax, you do not want to stress yourself out.

As the conversation progressed, sometime later something happened which led to Vladislav being gone and that is about it.

Iskra: Damn it, he had someone following us!

??? (Man): Huh someone like a hero?

Iskra: Yeah, no doubt about it if he is gone... AGAIN! FUCKING AGAIN!

Iskra was mad that her brother once again vanished, she slammed the table.

Iskra: Everything I do is to bring him back and he is just running away again, betraying his own fucking family for some goody two shoes half-breed bitch and her family!

The woman and the man got closer to Iskra and hugged her, attempting to calm her down...

End of Chapter

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