Chapter 106: A being of a different kind [Road to the Incident Arc]

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5 months before the incident, everything was going smoothly in Viidn, birds were siniging, flowers were blooming.

Lubo, Maria, Viki and Vlad were in class, just studying as the class was happening, they sat in 2 seat desks, Maria & Viki infront and Vlad and Lubo in the back and they did talk to each other little by little without making a fuss about it as they continued the class.

Every week on this day and the time for the 4th class, the teacher usually would be stressed and saying how much of a failure the students could be, but right now the class is going so normal and to their surprise, everyone acts like this is normal.

15 minutes pass and the class was over, the teacher walked out of the room leaving the class to wait for the time being and all 4 sighed.

Maria: So, you guys think something's wrong too?

Maria and Viki turned around to look at Lubo and Vlad.

Vlad: Yeah, she is the only other teacher besides folk dance and english and our home teacher that teaches us in different subjects.

Lubo: Yet right now instead of a big jerk 37 year old woman, acts so nice... What are we missing? After the whole exams, some weird events been happening in the city, my mom and dad gotten busier along with Sakura dealing with more berserk state people, some very toxic people started changing for the better or the for the worse, our classmates trained more then usual and now this, at our own school?? Dear...

It was confusing them 4, almost as if there was a cause for all this after that test/exam was like a weird effect of events that have fallen ever since then.

Viki: I will not be surprised if Maria and Lubo kissed, if that is how things change.

Viki chuckles as Maria turns to look at her and Lubo looks at her, both blushing.

Maria and Lubo: W-Watch your mouth!

Lubo (talking to himself): baka...

Viki does give them the smile that usually makes them doubt that this is gonna be the last time she says it.

Vlad: Huh, how very interesting.

Then all 3 turn to Vlad.

Vlad: H-Hey... I didn't mean it with that t-tone!

Vlad was a little bit scared of Viki, Maria and Lubo.

Lubo: Anyways, who is gonna go ask our "coolest" teacher about her behaviour change?

Vlad: N-

Lubo, Maria & Viki: Not me!

Vlad was technically left as the only one to check as he was too slow to say "Not me."

Vlad: Alright, Alright I'll look into it on the big break... Cannot believe you guys make me do this.

Maria, Viki and Lubo smile with halos suddenly appearing on their heads, but only Vlad could see them which freaks him out a little.

Vlad then after 2 minutes leaves the classroom and heads to the direction of that teacher, he sighs as he walks and soon notices the teacher stopped and talking to some girl, he covers himself.

???: So, Mrs. Bano, enjoying yourself?

Mrs. Bano: It is going good, the students do not suspect anything.

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