Chapter 60: The Mystery I

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Alexandra used to be a classmate of Maria & Lubo, but also a close friend. It was december and it was the patrol exams of the USA for the third years, perfect time to wreak havoc and do chaos with villains and criminals to give them a hell of a time.

Of course Alexandra hanged out New York in a cafe with UltraX, seems like it could be a blind date or just some kind of meeting between a hero and a hero.

Of course Alexandra felt relaxed and comfortable with Ultra, but of course matters did get serious.

Alexandra: So the time manipulation villain, heard new evidence was discovered...

UltraX: Yeah, the police in Plovdiv uncovered some documents about her name being Amelia, but they found out that there are 5 matching people in Bulgaria with such name and they wanted me to look into it later today.

Alexandra: I see.

Alexandra drinks her coffee...

UltraX: Me and my family been trying as hard as the others to solve that mystery for 2 years now... Glad we got closer to it...

Alexandra: "Glad", what do you mean?

UltraX pulls out a photo of a girl... A girl that looked similar to Lubo and Alexandra was surprised.

Alexandra: Wait a second, only Lubo has that photo, how did you-?!

UltraX smiles.

UltraX: I have my connections ya know, I just happened to be at the same school, around the same time as him and found his body...

Alexandra: N-No- ...

Alexandra was in loss of words as she looked at the photo and then back at X.

Alexandra: N-No way- ...

UltraX smiles.

UltraX: Come on, get serious. I gotta continue with the mystery. After all I know it may hurt to know that he is "dead" and all, but we came here for a reason.

Alexandra shreds a bit of tears.

Alexandra: I know, but... Did Maria knew?

UltraX: Of course she did, Viki figured it out too that whole theory of "Lubo."

Alexandra: Damn it, knew it was too soon to leave us. A-Anyways...

Alexandra pulls out a tissue and cleans her tears with it and proceeds to allow UltraX to continue.

UltraX: So I was told that this girl looked familiar, me and my mother tried to find information since she looks a lot like her and any other family member... Until one day, the police came to tell us about the time manipulation villain.

Alexandra: So that is how ya knew about the 5 suspects...

UltraX: Yeah and that gets weirder, all of the files are from a time before the vidin incident they said.

Alexandra: So, when ya going there?

UltraX: Tomorrow. Just in time since due to the kids at school being gone for third year patrol exams, I can focus on the mystery more and so on.

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