Chapter 76: The seal [Adumfor Arc II]

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This is a chapter that could be considered fillar by many, but it is as important as the rest of the story in this series thingy or whatever.


Nyan was inside the sealed area, sitting there with his power at his lowest. He hasn't powered down to a normal demon level for a long time, it felt relaxing, but he knew he soon had to break the barrier, he knew the influence of the barrier and the barrier itself has grown weaker over the thousands of years and he soon had to do his break out.

He recalls he had a cult, but where is his cult, they should've freed him 500 years ago, what dealyed them so much... He just sat there, thinking about it. The seal was a 5 lock seal with a very rare material as a wall that blended with the rest of the walls on the other side.

Nyan: Just you wait...

Nyan chuckles.

End of Chapter

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