Chapter 21- Two

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"So..." Alyssa starts while Damien, her, and I are all walking through the woods to Damien's camp. "So?" Damien turns to look at her. She speeds up so that she can talk to him while walking next to him. 

"How old are you?" "Jesus 'Lyss." I put my hand in my face. "It's a genuine question!" She throws her hands up and turns to me, still walking forward. Damien smiles, "It's cool, Adrian. I'm twenty-eight." "Hey, Adrian's twenty-seven...hmmm?" She raises her eyebrows. "Oh my god, Alyssa! I'm so sorry." Damien laughs a hearty laugh, "I swear it's fine. She's a treat." "If that's what you wanna call it." I mumble. "Hey!" Alyssa squeaks.

"No but on a real note, I haven't dated in a few years." "Why not?" Alyssa whines. He smiles, "My past boyfriend wasn't the best." I scoff, "Twins." "BOYFRIEND?! Oh my god period." Alyssa giggles. "So, Alyssa. If I slam your head into a rock, will you tell on me?" "Yes?!" She squeals. I groan, "Let's never say 'period' again, got it?" Damien chuckles, "No big deal, I think it's kind of funny."  He points, "My camp is right up there." 

I look in front of Damien and see a camouflage tent, charred logs laying in a pile with two sticks standing up, holding a pot over the logs. There's a wire tied on two trees with dead animals hanging on it. Around the make-shift fire-pit, there's a single log. 

Alyssa squeaks and looks away, "You killed animals." She whispers. "We literally ate pork last night." She just whimpers and looks at her feet. "Sorry, I have to eat something and there's no wild strawberries out in the woods." She nods slightly, "I know." 

Look around the camp but don't look in the tent. "How long do you think it'll take you to disassemble the tent n' shit?" Damien smiles, "It'll be quicker if you help." "Yay!" Alyssa squeals, running to the tent, ready to disassemble it. 

After we clean everything up, Alyssa carries Damien's backpack and Damien carries the tent bag. "We can grab your weapons and make our way back to the camp." I begin walking the way we came. He smiles, "Sick." "So... Damien...opinion on the color green?" "Green is my favorite color. I like purple and red as well." Alyssa smiles, "Can we keep him?!" 

I scoff, "That's the plan. But dads got a dick up his ass-sorry, stick up his ass and may not let Damien stay so...we can just hope, alright?" Alyssa nods, "Adrian's favorite color is red, dark green, and black...because she's emo." I roll my eyes, "Thanks." She smiles, "Anytime, anytime." Damien chuckles, "What are your favorite colors?" "Green, purple, and brown." I trip on a rock and Damien grabs my bicep, stopping me from falling, "Woah there, you good?" 

I nod, for some odd reason I'm barely embarrassed, usually I'm super embarrassed when I trip. "Yeah, thanks." He smiles and nods in a "you're welcome" type of manner. I've known Damien for a total of like an hour, maybe two and I already feel like no matter what I do, I could never be embarrassed around him. 

Alyssa points, "Weapons!" "Oh!" Damien says, jogging to his bow and arrow, knife, and gun and holstering all of them. 

"I see you have a bow and arrow too." He nods towards Alyssa, she smiles. "Mhm...well-it's not mine. It's Adrians but she's teaching me how to use it." "Oh, that's nice of her." Damien looks at me, I just smile lightly and look forward, "We need to hurry up, hopefully Rick and Glenn are back." "And Hershel." Alyssa chimes in, "Yeah...and Hershel." I begin walking without looking at her. 

"Why'd you say it like that?" She asks, her and Damien beginning to follow me. "Because he's being a dick-wad-him and Maggie." She nods, "You just don't like Maggie because-" "I don't like Maggie because she's a cunt. Not because of Glenn." "Who's Glenn?" Damien asks. This whole conversation has gone so fast but not fast enough for me to explain the situation to Damien. 

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