Chapter 112- Oh God

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Fairly quickly, we make it to Alexandria. Though, because of Lydia, we're forced to wait outside the gates until Michonne gets to the lookout post.

"Henry's hurt. You were closest." Daryl says as Michonne appears from above and behind the wall. "I wouldn't have come. We had no other choice." 

"What about her?" Michonne asks. 

"She's with us." Henry informs her, his gaze never wavering. Michonne looks at me and I clench my jaw and nod reluctantly. She then turns and whispers to Aaron about letting us in. 

"Open it!" Michonne orders after a few seconds of whispering.

 "Adrian?" I hear from inside as we finally make it inside the walls. 

Damien leans in, "You gonna tell her?" He asks as Alyssa comes into view. 

"Probably not." 

"Holy shit, Damien?!" Inejra exclaims from next to Alyssa. 

"Cato!" Alyssa yells, disregarding me. I chuckle as they both run to Damien and Cato, once they're finished hugging the first person they switch to the next. I nod to Michonne as she walks with Henry, Siddiq, and Lydia to the infirmary. 

Damien flicks Alyssa's hat, "Shit, you look like an adult." 

She scoffs, "I am one. Stop treating me like a twelve-year-old." 

"You were one when I first met you so...not happening." He winks and pulls her back in for a hug. 

I look around Alexandria to find a fuck ton of people missing. "'s goin' on?" I ask, my body tensing. 

Inejra looks around with me, squinting her eyes against the violent sunlight. "The fair. Michonne finally agreed. We were about to head out. I stayed a little later for Rosita and Alyssa stayed with me." 

Damien, Cato, and I all raise our eyebrows, somehow making the exact same face. "No shit?" I ask. 

Cato nods and looks at me, "So you're going." He turns back to Alyssa and Inejra. "She's going. Damien and I are too but we got...caught up with..." He nods toward the infirmary, "Drama." 

Alyssa raises an eyebrow just like I do, "Drama?" 

Damien sighs and chuckles, " probably already know about the skins. We gave Lydia back and Henry, to Adrian's annoyance-" 

"Fuckin' hate that kid." I mutter, crossing my arms. 

Damien smiles, "To Adrian's annoyance," He presses. "Henry went looking, Daryl and Connie followed after him because he's a dumbass and woulda' gotten himself killed. Us three went out to track them." 

Inejra smirks, "To find Daryl?" 

Alyssa elbows her in the ribs, "Adrian's moved on. You need to stop waiting for them to get back together so you can sit at her house and drool over him." 

"Shut your fuckin' mouth for once in your goddamn life." Inejra hisses, her mouth slowly inching in a smile at the end of her sentence. Alyssa laughs and hugs Inejra as she stiffens in her grasp. 

I scoff, "We all saw it. The whole group saw it. Everyone knows about your little crush. But no, not for Daryl. Well, yes, for Daryl. But not like that for Daryl." 

Alyssa catches on to the terribly hidden mischievous smiles emanating from Damien and Cato. "What happened? Oh my god, Adrian? What happened?" She asks eagerly, inching closer. 

"Nothing! Nothing happened." Cato responds faster than I do, dropping his face to be scrunched and serious. 

"Corin James. What happened?" Alyssa hisses, her voice stern like my mom used to do. 

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