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Emmett loved Halloween. He loved dressing up and decorating the house. Although their home was always in the middle of nowhere, a few brave kids usually went in little groups for candy. Going to the mysterious Cullen home in the middle of the woods added to the thrill. Even if it was only one or two kids. Emmett and Esme were always ecstatic. They made sure to reward them with full-size candy bars. They were that house. Strange enough, teens never did; it was as though they never even knew it was an option. They would always regret missing the trip.

Emmett had begun decorating the outside of the house. His decorations could be considered movie quality. He became fascinated, but for a horrible reason. He knew his sister was afraid, and he found it hilarious. Serafina hated it. Once it was October, she habitually stuck to Rosalie or her mother for protection. They were the only ones who would save her, in her opinion. Her other siblings would sometimes help Emmett. Even her supposed father. Only on a few random occasions, but enough for Serafina to consider them the enemy and untrustworthy.

Rosalie loved Halloween, too. For some of the same reasons as Emmett, dressing up was fun. But mainly for what he did to her mate. She knew it was wrong to feel that way. But she loved how clingy her big, tough mate could be around this time of year. She made sure to be the big, formidable partner this time of the year. She would protect her mate from the stupid pranks her brother played on her.

During October, Rosalie would be the big spoon and squeeze her mate tightly when they watched scary movies as a family in the living room. She was sure to cover her lover's eyes when they were cuddling on the couch, and the film was starting to get too scary. Even when the two were walking through the house, she held Sera's hand tightly and would punch Emmett in the face if he popped out to scare the two with his new silly costume or prop.

The point was her mate would always protect her any day of the year. It didn't matter. If she weren't physically at her side to look after her, she would leave Paprika to protect her instead. But every October, Rosalie was able to defend her mate instead. And she took her job seriously.

The teens were discussing what they would be for Halloween this year. Emmett wanted a group costume, but so did Alice. Serafina and Rosalie wanted to do their usual costume. They had two reasons for wanting to do it. One was that it was easy. Two was that they found it funny. What was their usual costume? Buffy and Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But when they said they would do their usual costume idea, Emmett and Alice nixed it in favor of their group costume idea.

But Alice beat Emmett when she reminded the two women that they promised to do a group costume with her as sisters. Emmett reluctantly stopped trying to get enough people for his original idea and decided to get his brothers to be pirates with him. Pirates returned in popularity with the movie Pirates of the Caribbean that had come out that year. He turned on his heel and walked away.

Once Alice won, she turned to her sisters with a big grin to tell them what she had decided for their costumes. She seemed to think it was the best idea ever. She led them to her room and into her closet, where three similar dresses were hanging up: one green, one pink, and one blue. Rosalie and Serafina gave each other looks and turned to her, "are you sure?" Rosalie asked.

"Yes! I think it would be so cute!" Alice said with that excited bounce to her step.

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