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Serafina sat in while Alice talked Charlie into letting Bella stay the night at their home before the battle. Of course, she left out the part about the battle. Serafina guessed that was a given. Alice told him the family would be camping, leaving the house to just the two young women. After hearing this, he gave Serafina the side eye.

"It's not that I don't like your daughter; it's just that I prefer to not be around her," she explained while lying on his sofa.

Charlie didn't even flinch after hearing, "Have you always disliked her?"

"Again, it's not that I dislike her. I just don't want to be around her when I don't have to be," Serafina reminded him, "But yes, I have always wanted to be away from her."

Charlie sighed, "Why?"

"You hate my brother, don't you?" Serafina questioned.

Now Charlie also decided to play coy, "I wouldn't say I hate him. But I would prefer he stayed away from my daughter."

"So would I," Serafina agreed quickly, "This is why I prefer to not be around your daughter. I think something might be wrong with her for wanting to date him. Who would want him? I'm with you. I hate him, too. Oh, I mean, I don't want him near Chavela either," She winked exaggeratedly.

Charlie's mouth rose in a slight smile that he tried to hide, "I find it hard to believe that you'd rather go camping, is all I'm saying."

"The missus loves all that outdoorsy stuff and sports," Serafina groaned.

"Oh, so that little rumor around town is true? I've heard a ring was spotted on your ring finger. Rosalie's, too. It seems I may have missed my invitation," Charlie noted with a raised brow.

"You're not the only one," Alice grumbled.

Charlie heard since Alice didn't bother lowering her voice. He turned to Serafina with surprise, "You two eloped?"

"Yes. Sorry, no one was invited. It was a small thing. Very spur of the moment," she explained.

"Well, congratulations! I'm happy for you two!" he said with a grin. He thought momentarily, "I've got two tickets to a Mariners game in Seattle. How about that as a wedding gift?"

Serafina balked, "You don't have to do that. Your congratulations are more than enough! Plus, don't you like baseball? Wouldn't you want to go yourself?"

Alice couldn't help her giggles. Charlie glanced at her and quickly figured it out.

"You're not a fan of outdoorsy things or sports like your wife," he pointed out.

"You hit the nail on the head!" Alice finally laughed, "Give her the tickets! Rosie would love them!"

Charlie smiled as he went to grab the tickets for her. Serafina frowned, but the frown turned to surprise when she saw it was a Mariners vs. Yankees game. She turned the tickets around so Alice could see, "Surprise, surprise, it looks like Rosa is going to love them." She noted with narrowed eyes to her sister. She was sure she knew. This was probably why she had asked Serafina to come down with her. She didn't know the other reason was that Charlie already had a good impression of her, and her presence would work in Alice's favor.

"She a Mariners fan?" Charlie asked.

"Nope, she's a die-hard Yankees fan!" Alice laughed.

"Well, that's disappointing," Charlie muttered, "But I'm glad she'll like it."

"Yes! Thank you!" Serafina said with an actual smile. Yes, she hated going to sports events with the family. She found them boring. But when it was one of Rosa's teams, Rosa became much more excited and enthusiastic, which Serafina loved to see. She then felt a bit of gratitude for the old man. She turned to him and decided to ensure he'd be alright that day, "What are you going to be doing this weekend?"

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