Wedding festivities

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Notes: Karen and Drew have their wedding.

"Let's all give a huge welcoming to Mister and Mrs.Shearddd!" The announcer said at the wedding with Karen and Drew coming in hand-in-hand raising as if they were praising Jesus while dancing there way through the entrance of their wedding while everyone had clapped and cheered for the newly weds.

Once they had gotten settled in after greeting everyone, Faith was the first to go up to her mother telling her again about how "beautiful she had looked" with Karen having nothing but all smiles on her face.

She just couldn't believe that she actually had the wedding of her dreams and her husband had made it all possibly for them.

Even though she didn't have her father to walk her down the aisle since he was in jail and she didn't want him there even if he was out which he isn't she still had Drew's dad to walk her down the aisle which was an emotional moment for her to where Dorinda would have to sweetly remind, Karen not to cry too hard so she wouldn't cry off all of her makeup when John Henry had offered to walk with her.

Needless to say it was a beautiful wedding and John Henry and Mattie had both gave Karen away having nearly everyone in tears at the wedding.

When they were finally done going over how well their wedding went of course the dancing and conversations had started greeting family members that they haven't seen in a while with them also meeting all of Karen's and Drew's kids at the wedding figuring out who was who.

Meanwhile when it got into the middle of the wedding after Drew and Karen had did their husband and wife dance with her still being all emotional about it and trying not to cry in his arms while dancing and making everyone say awe they really got down as soon as the lights went even dimmer inside of the place.

Which meant that Ace was gettin' down as if he was a grown man being the life of the party dancing while throwing his hands up in the air and bending his knees. Then what really made the family get together on the dance floor was when he had took off his shirt with thinking he was grown grown with Faith shaking her head at her son.

"Mama look at your grandson." Faith said shaking her head trying not to laugh too hard.

"He get that from you!" Karen said smiling at him while Melody had took pictures and videos of the whole scene because the whole family was hyping Ace up.

Then, J.Drew and Ace was having a dance battle with each other with J.Drew trying to break dance to win even though he wasn't good at it they was still cheering him up.

"That's righttt babyyy!" Karen happily said watching her son try to win in a dance battle against her grandson.

But not only that J.Drew had tried to do a move that would really have them going where he tried to spin on his head trying to imitate the professional dance battlers but he couldn't quite get it and Karen was gettin' scared that he was gonna hurt himself so she had to come in and save the day. But J.Drew just went back out on the dance floor like he could really dance and just having a grand ole' time not having a care in the world.

Then when the babies all had their fun they was worn out sitting in their little chairs eating more cake and snacks while the adults had went back to dancing.

When they did go back to dancing all they was seeing was Karen backing up on Drew with her hands on her knees and her grinding on him in between the songs that were playing.

"Ewwww mama nastyyy." Faith said shaking her head all playfully as if she wasn't just backing up on Terrell her ownself trying not to get caught by them.

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