Family Trip P3

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Notes: J.Drew gets himself into some trouble.

It was a few days later and Drew had all the details worked out for the family trip that was coming up this weekend.

He had a surprise that was also just for Karen that no one else had knew about until they had got there.

When they had woke up this morning they had let the kids know that they were going to the store to get some snacks and food for the road.

So when they had left Nikki was in charge of everyone as per usual since Faith still had some growing to do.

"I can't believe yall still don't trust me?!" Faith said as she had sounded offended but in a playful manner.

"I mean Faith be for real do you really wanna watch and keep track of all of your younger siblings?!" Nikki had questioned her making her think about it.

"You right I don't. I got 3 kids of my own." Faith said shaking her head from side-to-side.

"I'm good. You got this big sis." Faith playfully said as she had put a playful hand on Nikki's shoulder.

"You so dramatic." Nikki had jokingly told her making Faith smile as if it was a compliment.

"Thank youuuu." Faith said taking it as a compliment.

"My poor child." Karen said shaking her head.

"Anyways we got the lists of things that we need. So we're about to go." Drew said.

When they had got in the car Karen had said, "I can't wait to eat my own snacks again." Karen smiled happily because she was tired of eating those healthy snacks by force.

"It's back to buying extra." Drew said as if he was sighing.

After they had gone off to the store everything was chill in the Sheard's household with Faith still trying to figure out what she was going to do for her album release party.

It was as if things were going well for her only to go at a stand still.

But not only that she had been feeling incompetent as a mother as well. She didn't know what was going on since she thought she had seemed fine after having her last baby.

But she just didn't know what to do or who she could talk too.

She knew her mother had post partum depression a number of times but she kept thinking that it couldn't have been that since it had been a while since she had her last baby. But what Faith didn't know was that it can still show up especially if you haven't properly dealt with it.

So now here she was stopping her work to go care for her kids. But when she went to Audrey she started crying her familiar cry and it was for her grand daddy. When she had went to go comfort her crying daughter it was like Audrey didn't want her and kept pulling away from her.

Faith knew she had wanted Drew but he had already left to go to the store so it was kinda too late to call him to come back home.

When Audrey had started crying she cried as if something was wrong but it was only because she wasn't getting her way.

"Grand daddy not here right now. But mommy's hereee." Faith said but that only made Audrey scream from the top of her lungs while Ace had dropped his toys he was playing with only to cover his ears being highly dramatic.

When she wouldn't stop crying after Faith had desperately tried to get her to stop Ace had went to go get Nikki for help.

Once Ace had came back with Nikki, Faith had looked at her son in shock.

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