Big J Part 2

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Notes: Karen goes to court today to face Big J for the first time in months.

It was now the day of the court case and everyone was nervous about today and there was no denying it. The family was all nervous for Karen but they didn't say anything that would make her worry. So that meant that the kids had to be on their best behavior especially before Karen had left the house to go to the court house so her head could be in the right headspace.

She couldn't believe that today was the day where she would have to see Big J again and hopefully she wouldn't have to see him until his execution date. She was trying to be hopeful.

She knew it was wrong to wish death upon someone but however this one had a good reason to do so and so if she was being sinful in wishing that Big J would get the death penalty she had still found it in her heart to ask God to forgive her for thinking of such a thing.

Yes she had forgave Big J for what he had done to her throughout her life up until a few yeas ago. But she knew that by her forgiving him that wasn't going to stop him from doing more harm to other women or to other people for that matter.

He had to have a repentant heart and he didn't and Karen knew that all too well.

Even her father had a repentant heart which was why they were talking about letting him out on early release for good behavior. However, Karen had just hoped that her father would keep his distance. But she didn't have to worry because that wasn't going to happen until several years from now and knowing how his mood changes quickly he could mess things up for himself if he didn't get a good handle on his temper even though he was working on it in jail after being put in solitary confinement for stabbing a man. He had only stabbed him enough to leave a reminder to not mess with him again. But the stabbing wasn't enough to kill him although it did leave him paralyzed from the waist down.

While Karen was getting ready she was trying not to think about her father so much which was the reason why she was put out on the streets at such a young age. However she knew that when she went there that she was going to have to talk about her father since he started it all.

Now here she was taking a deep breath in so she wouldn't have a panic attack.

"Karen are you ready to go?!" Drew had asked his wife seeing that everyone else was downstairs waiting for her and the babies was going to stay with their uncle Ethan and aunt Gwenda for the time being.

But when Drew had walked all the way into the room, Karen had held up her index finger basically telling him to hold on.

When Drew had seen his wife he had gave her a second knowing that she was doing the breathing exercises that Dr.Womack had taught her how to do in cases where she had felt overwhelmed.

When she was done, Drew had decided to carefully walk up on her not wanting to startle her anymore than he probably already did.

"Take it easy it's gonna be okay." Drew said being there for his wife.

"We're gonna win this case." He said.

"And you're gonna do great up there." He told her as he had gently pulled her head down to kiss her on her forehead helping Karen to calm down.

"Thank you." Karen had softly said while her hands were planted softly on Drew's chest.

"Everything's gonna work out." He said giving his wife more words of encouragement.

"I'm just so nervous. I thought this day would never come." Karen said shaking her head once more. "It feels like I'm walking into a dream." Karen told him.

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