Another witness P3

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter as well Karen telling Drew the truth about how she actually got the permanent scars on her body.

Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide and cutting, razors. Talks of choking, guns, and domestic violence.

"She did what?!" Karen had asked her.

"Oh no we need to move that date up." Karen said shaking her head.

"Momm. You didn't have to be extraaa." Harmony said trying to fix her shirt after Karen had ripped some of it.

"I'll get you a new one." Karen said. "But this is serious." Karen said being mad about what happened.

"I agree with your mother." Drew said nodding his head.

"She's over there branding you." Karen said shaking her head.

Then she had looked at Melody, "I don't have one." She said before Karen had tried to check her.

"We need to get them looked at again." Karen had told him as she was going up the stairs.

"Karen where are you going?!" Drew had asked her.

"Upstairs in our room." Karen said and Drew had just shook his head knowing that his wife was going to call the lawyer.

When Karen had got on the phone with them she was livid.

"I want that heffa UNDER the jail!" Karen said angrily after finding out what happened to her babies.

"They can mess with me all they want too but when they mess with my babies they done crossed a line because I know what that branding feeling feels like and it ain't nothing pretty to have to go through." Karen said as she was talking to the lawyer seeing that they had took pictures of hers as well.

"But not only that I've seen some other concerning marks on her back as well and I just want to make sure that we do this proper way and take them back to the hospital and get them fully checked on unlike the last time when they had first came when that heffa had left Melody here by herself." Karen said.

"And I want Big J fried, died, and laid to the side." Karen said with a lot of attitude while rolling her neck having one hand on her hips as she was now back to talking about Toya.

"So I can just imagine what she was doing to my girls. Those are my babies and I won't have nobody abusing them like how I was abused for half my life. I'm not going for that." Karen said yelling through the phone being upset.

Once she was done having that conversation with the lawyer they had made plans to move it up and Karen had thanked them even though she was still mad about what she had found out.

After she had gotten off of the phone with her lawyer and Dr.Womack she had got emotional thinking about everything feeling very overwhelmed.

By the time, Drew had came into the room she had her hands covering her face silently crying and Drew already knew what was going on because he had practically heard the whole entire conversation not wanting to interrupt her.

So when he had came in he had hugged his wife from behind comforting her.

"Alright it's gonna be okay." He said.

"You know you gotta calm down for me, right?" Drew said not wanting her to get sick again because that's how her STD can get re-triggered if she's overwhelmed with stressed.

"I'm fineeee." Karen said trying to play it off as if she wasn't just about to start crying her eyes out because she couldn't prevent the same thing from happening to her babies.

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